Rotary Institutes “What Rotary will be one hundred years hence, none living can imagine. There is nothing impossible to Rotary now.” — Paul Harris, Feb. 1915
Rotary Institutes Rotary’s Strategy… Why do we need strategy? What is the status of current plan? Where have we been successful? Where are the biggest challenges? What have we heard? What are your thoughts and ideas? Is there a need or movement for change?
Rotary Institutes How do you describe your club today? Is it A force for good? An involved group of Rotarians? Representative of your diverse community? Offering inspiring projects, programs and meetings? Too structured or focused on rules? Focused on participation or attendance? Having enough fun? Creating the right environment for newer members?
Rotary Institutes Strategy? Does your club have a plan or strategy? How attractive is your club to this group?
Rotary Institutes Current Plan Successes & Challenges STRATEGIC PLAN ROTARY INTERNATIONAL
Rotary Institutes Mission and Vision Mission … to provide service to others, promote high ethical standards, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through its fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders Vision …universally recognized for our commitment to Service Above Self to advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace.
Rotary Institutes Core Values Full definitions can be found at
Rotary Institutes Current Endorsed Priorities Eradicate polio Advance recognition and public image of RI Increase capacity to provide service Expand membership globally Emphasize unique vocational service commitment Optimize leadership talents within RI Implement strategic planning process throughout organization
Rotary Institutes Successes—Polio and Public Image
Rotary Institutes More Successes—Image, PR, and Service Missing Link
Rotary Institutes Some key challenges to achieving priorities Close the polio funding gap Send consistent, inspirational messages Create attractive club environment for members Offer greater flexibility Commit to relevant vocational service opportunities Groom younger leadership
Rotary Institutes Is our message and brand consistent?
Rotary Institutes Image and brand recognition How can Rotary be the first choice for scarce volunteer resources?
Rotary Institutes Recent Feedback & Key Challenges STRATEGIC PLAN ROTARY INTERNATIONAL
Rotary Institutes If twenty-four young, future leaders started a service club today, what would it look like? Strategic Thinking
Rotary Institutes Recent Feedback Rotarians DGE’s RI senior leaders Non-Rotarians
Rotary Institutes Rotarian Feedback—Some Key Messages Focused service opportunities Action oriented service Growth in membership Enhance diversity Less bureaucracy and increased flexibility Create fun, respectful environment Much, much more…
Rotary Institutes Rotarian Feedback—Some Key Messages Current plan lacks clarity / measurability Greater understanding and applicability of strategic priorities for clubs and districts Expand involvement and strategic thinking Adapt to changing times—be dynamic
Rotary Institutes Focus Group Results—Key Messages What are some perceptions of public? –Limited awareness of Rotary’s purpose –Lack of flexibility in requirements –Mandatory attendance over participation –Limited diversity –Unsure of Rotary’s accomplishments –Significant resources needed to become member JTO
Rotary Institutes Focus Group Results—Key Messages What are some perceptions of public? –Exclusive or elitist in parts of the world –Whose ethics is Rotary promoting? Are your ethics better than mine? –A business networking opportunity vs. an international network of professional and community leaders Do we want to change these perceptions? If so, how? JTO
Rotary Institutes Strategic Thinking What will it take to attract this group to Rotary membership?
Rotary Institutes RI’s Key Challenges In summary: Remaining relevant to expectations of future generations Making our “Rotary product” attractive –Today people join causes not organizations Continuing to strengthen Rotary’s image Thinking strategically about RI’s future in years Growing concern or sense of urgency for change JTO
Rotary Institutes Strategic Direction—For our Future What do we envision? How do we remain relevant? What issues must we address? Is there a burning platform?
Rotary Institutes Send your comments and suggestions to STRATEGIC PLAN ROTARY INTERNATIONAL