Creative Writing Journals December 03-07
Journal 12/03 Today we are beginning poetry. “What is poetry to you? Why do people write poetry? What are some poems you know or remember? Why are these memorable?” Please get a computer and log on- Go to my website and open the poetry notes packet. Our copier is down, so you may type your notes today.
Journal 12/4 Create a poem using the following words fiesta, green, folder, warthog, jumped. There are no line requirements for this poem and it does not have to rhyme…but it may
Journal 12/5 In a 5-10 line poem please use all of the following words: Doctor, circus, sharpen, pixie, laundry
Journal 12/6 Name and discuss the last 3 really good movies you saw. What made them so memorable?
Journal 12/7 Create a 5-10 line poem that centers around the theme of the color BLUE. HOLIDAY NEWS PAGE DUE BY THE END OF THE BLOCK! Poems 1-5 due Monday.