MonTuesWedThurFri HOLIDAYALL: KNOWSYS Quiz #14 OL: Interactive Reader “Dodge ball” p Pre-AP: MND Character Maps, Act 1 questions, dialectical journal. HW- study vocab- quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Practice #15 OL: Interactive Reader “Dodge ball” p Pre-AP: MND Character Maps, Act 1 questions, dialectical journal. HW- study vocab- quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Practice #15 OL: Interactive Reader “Dodge ball” p Pre-AP: MND Character Maps, Act 1 questions, dialectical journal. HW- study vocab- quiz Friday ALL: KNOWSYS Quiz #15 LIBRARY BOOK CHECK OUT with Mrs. White RECESS!!! 25 ON 25 TH RELA Agenda for 1/21-1/25
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary. Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.the first postal route was from boston to new york was established on january andre ampere was born on january the ampere the unit of electrical current was named after him KNOWSYS: Quiz #14 OL: Interactive Reader: Partner Reading: “Dodge Ball in School” pages AP: MND- Partner Reading: Act 1, discussion questions, dialectical journal. Homework: Study Vocabulary… Quiz Friday RELA January 22, 2013
Essential Question OL: Why is it necessary to understand persuasion? Pre-AP: What is your position on arranged marriages?
I CAN: explain the elements of persuasion in texts. Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.john hancock was born today in 1737 he was the first man to sign the declaration of independence 2.althea gibson became the first african american voted female athlete of the year it happened on january KNOWSYS: Group #15 Cards & Practice OL: Interactive Reader: Partner Reading: “Dodge Ball in School” pages AP: MND- Partner Reading: Act 1, discussion questions, dialectical journal. Homework: Study Vocabulary… Quiz Friday RELA January 23, 2013
Essential Question OL: What is your position on dodge ball in school? Pre-AP: What are your reasons for your position on arranged marriage?
I CAN: explain the elements of persuasion in texts. Do Now: Correct these sentences: 1.maria tallchief an american ballerina was born on january on january jackie robinson became the first african american elected to the national baseball hall of fame KNOWSYS: Group #15 Cards & Practice OL: Interactive Reader: Partner Reading: “Dodge Ball in School” pages AP: MND- Partner Reading: Act 1, discussion questions, dialectical journal. Homework: Study Vocabulary… Quiz Friday RELA January 24, 2013
Essential Question OL: What are your reasons for your position on dodge ball in school? Pre-AP: What evidence do you have for each of your reasons for your position on arranged marriages?
I CAN: determine the meaning of grade-level vocabulary. KNOWSYS: Group #15 Quiz Library Book Check Out with Ms. White RELA January 25, 2013