Fuel retention in W as function of dpa level of radiation damage Task B. Tyburska
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 2 Motivation Neutron irradiation: Defect production new traps for tritium Transmutation effects Mechanical properties changes ITER divertor [1] Dpa (E th =90 eV [18]) 0.27 Neutron wall loading [MW/m 2 ] 0.4 Operation time [s] Temperature [K] Flux [(DT)/(m 2 s)]
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 3 Heavy ions as a surrogate for neutrons Large clusters, dense cascades Large energy transfer Lack of radioactivity Short implantation time–damage rate 10 4 higher Potential chemical composition changes–avoided by self- implantation Good temperature control–water cooling Low cost Peaked damage profile, short depth of penetration Difference in recoil spectra No transmutation effects
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 4 Defect morphology MethodNeutronW self-implantation FIM (Field Ion Microscopy) Vacancies (V), interstitials (I), vacancy clusters (VC), no voids [2-8] V, I, VCs, no voids [9-10] TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) ? PA (Positron Annihilation) V, I, VCs, no voids [11-13] TDS (Thermal Desorption Spectroscopy) ~800 K- D desorption from the ion-induced defects (VCs) [14] Recovery temperature K [2-5] 1200 K [15-16]
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 5 1. experiment Material: Rolled W from Goodfellow, outgassed 1200 K, 2h D retention dependence on dpa (undamaged, damaged, and recovered W) : Number of traps produced by displacement damage NRA Characterization of ion-induced defects TDS Dpa value given at its peak, calculated for E th = 90 eV
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 6 Deuterium depth profiles
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 7 TDS spectra
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 8 Trapped concentration
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 9 Conclusions Deuterium depth profiles – D is trapped in irradiation-induced defects, with a trapped concentration ~1.3 %, – D concentration up to 6 m was saturated at 0.27 dpa, TDS measurements – D was trapped at the radiation-induced defects associated with peak at ~820K Effect of annealing – Annealing at 1200 K almost fully removes ion-induced defect. Deuterium depth profiles – D is trapped in irradiation-induced defects, with a trapped concentration ~1.3 %, – D concentration up to 6 m was saturated at 0.27 dpa, TDS measurements – D was trapped at the radiation-induced defects associated with peak at ~820K Effect of annealing – Annealing at 1200 K almost fully removes ion-induced defect.
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention experiment Material: Rolled W from Goodfellow, thick targets outgassed 1200 K, 2h D retention dependence on temperature: Number of traps produced by displacement damage NRA Dpa value given at its peak, calculated for E th = 90 eV
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 11 Deuterium depth profiles
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 12 Temperature dependence Front side: D plasma-defect synergetic effect
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 13 Prediction for Iter [17] Higher trap density but diffusion slower Max. T retention at ~500 K At higher temperatures T desorption and defect recovery lower the total T inventory
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 14 Current work and plans 1)Effective diffusion coefficient: Different W ion incident energies and fluences Deuterium fluences: D/m 2 = – D/m 2 2) D retention dependence on the post-annealing temperature– defects responsible for trapping Different W ion incident energies and fluences – flat damage profiles Post-annealing at different recovery temperatures D plasma exposure
, Garching, EU TF PWI Special Expert Working Groups on Gas balance and fuel retention 15 Current work and plans 3) Transmutation effects: Investigation of the W samples containing Re Re implantation of W 4) D retention as a function of dpa – various materials: Goodfellow Iter grade Japanese Iter grade 5) TEM investigation of defects: ? 6) PALS investigations of the tungsten single crystal
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