Fall 2012 October Center for Student Services “TYPE A” – Students that started STHM fall 2011 or after
University Related Topics
Registration Date:Required Credits: October 25, or more semester hours October 26, semester hours October 29, semester hours October 30, semester hours October 31, semester hours November 1, semester hours November 2, semester hours November 5, semester hours November 6, semester hours Spring 2013 Registration Dates
University Policies Reminder - Repeats Dismissal From STHM Three attempts MAX in foundation, major, and Fox School of Business requirements Dismissal is possible regardless of status in STHM (i.e. class level – senior) No petition process once dismissed Dismissal From Temple Three attempts MAX in university requirements: English 701/711, English 802 (GW), Mosaics IH 0851 (GY), Mosaics IH 0852 (GZ), and Math 701/702 Dismissal last for 4 years No petition process once dismissed Link to Policy -
Granted for one or two consecutive semesters (excluding summers) Protects your curriculum code Loans are not dispersed Documented on your transcript General Reasons: medical, financial, person, employment, and/or military Access: TU , registration, and to the Library No Access: University services (i.e. Campus Housing, Campus Recreation, Student Health Services) University Policy Reminder – Leave of Absence (LOA) Link to Policy -
Counts as an attempt (repeat; three max) Medical Withdrawal Excused (MWE) Petitions do not count towards the repeat attempt number (all classes must be withdrawn from) Documented on your transcript You are still financially responsible Deadline for fall 2012 – TUESDAY, OCTOBER 23 RD via SSB (add/drop classes screen) Consult with an Advisor prior to processing; not retractable University Policy Reminder - Withdraws Link to Policy -
Recommended Tutoring Accounting Resources General - Monday through Friday, 10 AM to 2 PM in Alter Hall 403D Individual - Rushabn Shah, Writing Center Excellent resource for English, IH, Writing Intensives, and generally, all courses MSRC Private Tutoring Available $10 per hour Subjects – Math, various Sciences, Economics, and CIS oring/private-tutor/ oring/private-tutor/
School of Tourism and Hospitality Management Topics
Please make sure that the following topics are going to the CSPD, specifically Mr. Mayer e-Recruiting Internships Professional Development Series Workshops Corporate Recruitment Information Sessions Student Services and the CSPD want to avoid “mix messages” and “false interpretation” s regarding Industry-Related Hours can go to Student Services or the CSPD s…
Please make sure you are communicating with your professor about issues that are impacting your performance in class negatively i.e.) medical issues i.e.) transportation concerns i.e.) catastrophic/unforeseen events Please make sure that resource departments and/or your professors have the documentation they need to help you i.e.) DRS – Disability Resource and Services Communication with Professors…
Concentrations Declaring is optional, but recommended Three (3) major elective courses out of the four required within the concentration Associated Capstone course (i.e. STHM 4296 or 4396/97/98) Senior Internship (STHM 4185) must be related to the chosen concentration Recommended that you declare in sophomore year Sport and Recreation Management Students Governance and Policy (capstone STHM 4296) Sport and Recreation Promotion (capstone STHM 4296) Event Leadership (capstone STHM 4296) Tourism and Hospitality Management Students Hospitality Operations (capstone STHM 4396) Destination Management (capstone STHM 4397) Event Leadership (capstone STHM 4398) Link to declaration page -
STHM Course Offerings Major Management Electives are generally offered fall OR spring (i.e. exceptions include STHM 3411 and 3425) Foundation and Major requirements are generally offered fall AND spring STHM does not have any winter or online courses 1-2/2-1 Format: this means that if a course is offered in the spring with one section, in the fall, there will be two sections (and vice-versa) – PLAN AHEAD Summer coursework is contingent upon the availability of a professor and demand Summer coursework is subject to cancellation
STHM 1113 – Foundations of Leisure STHM 2114 – Leisure and Tourism for a Diverse Society STHM 3185 – Internship I STHM 3411 – Program and Special Event Planning This course is required for old curriculum students (prior to fall 2011) This course is an elective for new curriculum students (fall 2011 or after. This course will remain being offered fall and spring. STHM 3425 – Sustainable Event Management This course is always in high demand, thus it will be offered fall and spring STHM 4112 – Senior Professional Development Seminar Completing STHM 3185 is required prior to proceeding with this course STHM 4185 – Internship II For old curriculum students, this practicum is ten credits For new curriculum student, this practicum is twelve credits STHM Course Offerings – Spring 2013
STHM Sport and Society STHM 2211 – Organizational Strategy in S&R STHM 3211 – Management in S&R STHM 3213 – Budget and Finance Systems in S&R STHM 3216 – Economics of S&R STHM 3217 – Research in S&R STHM 3221 – Athletics Administration (spring only) STHM 3222 – Professional and International Sport (spring only) STHM 3224 – Media and Communications in S&R (spring only; in the past, it was fall only) STHM 3296 – Marketing Management in S&R STHM 4212 – Law and Ethics in S&R STHM 4296 – Current and Ethical Issues in S&RM SRM Course Offerings – Spring 2013
STHM 1311 – The Business of Tourism and Hospitality STHM 2311 – Global Issues in T&HM STHM 3311 – Management in T&H STHM 3312 – Strategic Decision Making in T&HM STHM 3313 – Financial Issues in T&H STHM 3321 – Tourism Planning and Development (spring only) STHM 3324 – Hospitality Operations (spring only) STHM 3329 – Revenue Management in T&HM (spring only) STHM 3396 – Marketing in T&H STHM 4312 – Legal Issues in T&H STHM 4396 – Hospitality Management Systems STHM 4397 – Designing Tourism Experiences THM Course Offerings – Spring 2013 STHM 3315 Tourism and Hospitality Sales will not be offered in spring 2013
Begins on MONDAY, OCTOBER 22 nd (available bi-weekly) By appointment only (use the current Advising Appointment System) You can use a desktop computer or tablet/i-Pad System being used is WebEx (students do not need an account) Camera and microphone preferred (some devices have both built-in already) The environment you are in, during this session, should be quiet, professional, and appropriate for an academic conversation FERPA Waivers may need to be processed Share documents and computer screens STHM Virtual Advising Link to instructions/guidelines -
Industry-Related Hours It is recommended that your hours/experiences are diverse (7 total experiences or more) but are applicable to your career aspirations Letters to verify your participation are always preferred Start scanning your verification forms as e-Portfolios will be required in STHM 4112 Senior Professional Development Seminar Write-ups will vary in the total number of pages based on the number of hours you do Make sure many of your experiences are applicable to your career aspirations Less than ten hours – use the volunteer form, found in the “All New STHM Undergraduate Community” in Blackboard (Industry-Related Hours Tab) Some experiences will need to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis You are not submitting anything to Student Services – when you start accumulating hours, begin building your portfolio Make sure your write-ups are thought provoking; reflecting on each experience
Key Dates - Reminders
Upcoming STHM DARS Workshop DARS Friday, November 9 th 12:00 – 1:00 PM Speakman Hall 349 (Conference Room) Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis! Please bring a copy of your DARS with you! RSVP - t_register.php?mid= t_register.php?mid= (click on the flyer on the left-hand side)
Upcoming STHM Graduation Plan Workshop Graduation Planning Monday, November 5 th 4:00 – 5:00 PM Speakman Hall 349 (Conference Room) Each session will last for one hour! Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Students are asked to bring their graduation plans and a copy of DARS. RSVP – t_register.php?mid= t_register.php?mid= (click on the flyer on the left-hand side)
Upcoming Information Session: “STHM is Studying Abroad” TT hursday, November 8 th 11 2:00 – 1:00 PM SS peakman Hall, Lab 012 NN o Food or Beverages in the lab RR SVP - php?mid= CC ome prepared with questions about studying abroad EE ducation Abroad representatives will discuss the newest and latest opportunities RR emember – students who study complete an junior internship abroad also fulfill their GG requirement! (click on the flyer on the left-hand side)
Miscellaneous – RCC Academic Coaches for Eligibility: Have a minimum 2.75 cumulative grade point average. Have a minimum of 30 credits by the end of the Spring 2013 semester. Register for a 1-credit seminar in the Spring 2013 semester that will meet on Wednesdays from 3-4:20pm (if you cannot attend or complete the seminar, you cannot serve as an Academic Coach). If you are selected, you will be registered for the course upon your confirmation that you accept the position. Time Frame and Deadlines: This is a paid position at hours per week for the academic year at an hourly rate of $9.00 per hour You will also attend 4-5 program events during the summer (dates to be determined) where you will meet your student caseload (approximately 10 students). To Apply: Drop off or your resume and the completed application to Michael Stokes in the Russell Conwell Center by Friday, November 9, Interviews will begin the following week and continue until the positions are filled.
Senior Seminar Presents Your Name Your Concentration Phone Number Address Business Card Sale! On Sale in Speakman Hall from October 8th-19th! “Montague Made, Ridall Ready” Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays: 11-3 Tuesdays and Thursdays: 10-2 Purchase them by October 19 th in order to have them for STHM’s 21 st Annual Career Day on November 6 th in Mitten Hall!