Russia Controlled Assessment Why was Russia so difficult to govern? L.O. To understand the difficulties of governing Russia and what you are working towards for your controlled assessment
What are you working towards? A source based essay Use sources and properly evaluate 4 of them (provenance, content, context, cross reference with other sources 2,000 words 25% of your GCSE 8 weeks taught course (up to October half term) 4 weeks to write up your essay Resources: Walsh textbook, moodle
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? The size of the country and the diversity of the population. More than 21 different nationalities lived in Russia; the Russians were the largest in number. It was difficult to have consistent policies across such a vast country
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? 80% of the population were illiterate peasants. Although they were freed in 1861, they were unable to afford to buy land and so were still virtually the slaves of landowners
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? The tsar was an absolute, or autocratic, ruler. This meant that no political parties were allowed and there was no parliament, only a few advisory ministers. Censorship and the tsar's secret police, the Okhrana, were ruthless There were terrorist groups, such as the Peoples' Will who assassinated Tsar Alexander II in There was no middle ground for debate so there was often extremist political action
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? Nicholas II was tsar of Russia from 1894 until He became tsar after his father died. Tsarism as an autocratic system had been established in Russia for centuries, and tsars had total, almost religious power
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? In 1894, Nicholas married German princess Alexandra, granddaughter of Queen Victoria. Alexandra was a strong figure who had political influence, including appointing ministers. Nicholas was not interested in politics, and so his ministers competed for power and influence At Nicholas’s coronation 1,000 people died when drunk troops opened fire on a celebrating crowd. Nicholas carried on with the banquet, leading many to think he didn’t care about the Russian people
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? Why might having all these different nationalities make Russia a difficult place to rule?
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? Different groups spoke different languages so communication would be difficult Different peoples had different beliefs and cultures, and wouldn't necessarily want to do things the way the Russians wanted to do them There were different religions and so worship was not the same Peoples such as the Poles had been conquered by Russia in the 18 th century and wanted a country of their own People were spread over distances thousands of miles apart, and this made it difficult to get any orders obeyed over the whole country
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? REFORMIST GROUPS Kadets – intellectuals who wanted greater democracy Peasants – made up over 80% of the population but leaderless and disorganised Intelligentsia – upper and middle classes who wanted more democracy Which of these groups were the greatest threat to the Tsar and his form of government?
Why was Russia so difficult to govern? REVOLUTIONARY GROUPS Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs) – terrorists, popular with the peasantry Populists – intellectuals who wanted to use the peasants Bolsheviks – organised, professional revolutionaries Which of these groups were the greatest threat to the Tsar and his form of government?
Russia 1900 Use p of your textbook to complete your table – pick out the most significant information only!
Homework Finish your ‘Russia 1900’ table Due: 10/09
Source Work Look at Source 10 on p.103 Discuss and write some brief notes answering the 3 bullet points in the activity box