1E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom International context : ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) Changes in the ITPA organization The EU contribution to ITPA Divertor and SOL Priority tasks and joint experiments for 2009 Last / next meeting Summary [B. Lipschultz, ITPA meeting, sept 2008]
2E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom ITPA : new organisation ITPA (International Tokamak Physics Activity) has changed This summer : IEA (International Energy Association) legal framework of ITER Central coordinating committee : 3 representatives from each ITER partner Chair : R. Stambaugh (US), EU : J. Paméla, F. Romanelli, H. Zohm 7 ITPAs : Transport and confinement (S. Kaye, US) Energetic particles (S. Guenter, EU) Integrated operation scenario (S. Ide, JA) MHD stability (A. Sen, IN) Pedestal (H. Wilson, EU) Diagnostics (R. Boivin, US) Divertor and SOL (B. Lipschultz, US) New leadership for each group Each partner allowed to submit one name for each committee 3 positions negotiated among CC : chair, co-chair and ITER co-chair B. Lipschultz (chair), E. Tsitrone (co chair), M. Shimada (ITER co chair) selected Three year term for chair and co-chair with co-chair in line to then be chair Stronger connection to ITER organization : info + concerns both ways
3E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom The Divertor and SOL group Up to 7 permanent members / partner + IO 40 members (7 EU, 7 JA, 7 US, 6 CN, 4 KO, 3 IN, 3 RF, 3 IO) 1 contact person / partner
4E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Divertor and SOL group : The EU members EFDA rule : mobility support for permanent members only (ceiling), additional experts supported by associations Nominated by associations, selected by EFDA ITPAParty
5E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Coordinating the EU contributions 2 ITPA meetings / year (rotating between partners) once a year : joint meeting (pedestal, diagnostics …) ~ 2-3 months before meeting : first draft agenda circulated to mailing list (permanent members + others) based on last meeting list of topics contributions collected (individual basis), topics selected (where enough contributions) and agenda consolidated ~ 1 month before meeting : final participation and agenda during meeting : list of topics (ITER needs) + date/location for next meeting after meeting : executive summary + talks (available on ITER IDM) List of high priority tasks (2 years) DSOL joint experiments (IEA large tokamaks) : next meeting dec 2008 How to coordinate our contributions to ITPA ? Through SEWG leaders ? Contact persons ? Mailing list ?
6E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom ITER priority research needs D. Campbell, ITPA CC meeting june 2008 : High priority research needs (~2-3 years) –impacting system definition –influencing licensing considerations Medium term needs (~3-5 years) –supporting preparations for commissioning and operation –preparing upgrade decisions Long term needs –preparing operational scenarios and techniques Strategy for the use of plasma facing materials in ITER has been revised : CFC used for high heat flux regions of divertor in advance of DT phase tungsten targets will be installed before DT operation
7E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom ITER high priority research needs Strongly PWI related [D. Campbell, CC meeting june 2008] 1. Disruption/ Runaway Mitigation Heat loads, runaway electrons: reduction > 1 order of magnitude 2. ELM Control/ Mitigation 3. Plasma Facing Materials Physics basis for ITER reference scenarios with W/ Be PFCs 4. Scenario Development 5. Diagnostics Dust / Hot dust ; divertor erosion ; mirrors ; T inventory
8E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Tentative DivSOL high priority research tasks for Improve understanding of Tritium retention and development of efficient T removal methods. Compile high-Z experience regarding fuel retention in tokamaks and lab studies (new) Initiate studies on neutron damage and how that leads to T retention (new) Understand the effect of ELMs/disruptions on divertor and first wall Exploration of the effect on the SOL and power loadings of ELM mitigation (ongoing) Study runaway effects in disruptions and how to nullify them (new) Improve measurements & understanding of plasma transport to targets and walls to better predict heat loads and effects on the core Code-code comparisons including impurities - specifically carbon (underway) Identify discrepancies between codes and experiment for SOL and divertor (new) High-Z operational experience (compatibility with core) Exposure of tungsten to He fluence and effects on surface properties (new) Characterize the level and processes involved in RF enhancement of erosion (new) [B. Lipschultz, ITPA meeting, sept 2008]
9E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom DSOL joint experiments (14 running) Transients DSOL-1 Scaling of Type-1 ELM energy loss and pedestal gradients through dimensionless variables (Loarte) DSOL-4 Comparison of disruption energy balance/heat flux in similar discharges (Loarte) DSOL-11 Disruption mitigation experiments (Whyte) : combined to MDC-1 DSOL-19: Impurity generation mechanism & transport during ELMs (Loarte) Material migration DSOL-2 Injection to quantify chemical erosion (Brezinsek) DSOL-9 Tracer injection experiments to understand material migration (Philipps) DSOL-17: Cross-machine Comparisons of Pulse-by-Pulse Deposition (Skinner) Particle control, fuel retention and removal DSOL-13 Deuterium codeposition with carbon in gaps of PFCs (Krieger) DSOL-8 ICRF Conditioning for hydrogen removal (Ashikawa) DSOL-12 Reactive gas wall cleaning (Stangeby) DSOL-16: Determination of the poloidal fueling profile (Groth) Edge modelling DSOL-14 Multi-code, multi-machine edge modelling and code benchmarking (Coster) DSOL-5 Role of Lyman absorption in the divertor (Lisgo) SOL transport and turbulence DSOL-3 Scaling of radial transport (Lipschultz) DSOL-15 Inter-machine comparison of blob characteristics (Terry)
10E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Last / next meeting Fuel predictions for ITER (EU/US MIT meeting) Status by J. Roth earlier H level in tokamaks ITER cryopumps design, particle balance in H phase Most tokamaks : % after venting, down to few % in normal operation Fuel retention in C / metals Mo (CMod) vs W (AUG) ? Dust production (Cd) ITER Not 100 % of gross erosion, range %. More data needed Dust dynamics concern also for operation (before safety ?) Transient thermal wall loads Data on mitigated ELMs/disruption : just started Material migration Impurity transport Slides on ITER IDM, summary underway Next meeting : should be in US but could well be in Europe May PFMC meeting, Amsterdam June ITER summer school (PWI), Cadarache June RF meeting,include ICRF, Juelich
11E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Core/divertor compatibility –high q detachment, advanced scenarios, H-L transition heat loads –Transient reattachment ITER Partial detachment, comparing with modeling Heat loads due to mitigated ELMs & disruptions ITER ICRF conditioning for various PFCs ITER H operation for ITER hydrogen phase (JET, C-Mod) Isotope exchange Material migration –erosion sources and material migration, co-deposition in the main chamber –outer and inner divertor erosion and what co-deposition that leads to –Outer to inner divertor material transfer – Examination of main chamber limiters of divertor machine Diagnostics followup, wall interaction, H retention, specifications. Joint meeting ? Measuring of hydrogen retention, Regeneration of Cryopump Unipolar arcs, hot spots, characteristics (when & where they occur), core impact Dust production mechanism (hot spots, unipolar arcs) –tile analysis to find how much materials are missing Potential topics for next meeting
12E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Ramp-up/down studies (Ohmic, L-mode, impurity seeding for sputtering control) Dynamic control of erosion/power load by impurity seeding in ITER scenarios Control of core impurity concentration (by source and/or transport) and radiation in ITER scenarios (H&CD, ELM pacing, impurity seeding etc.) Impurity production by ICRH (local vs. remote sources) Influence of ELM-caused influxes on plasma performance (controlled ELMs in ITER) Effect of divertor target damage on device operability and operational space in ITER –Possible experiments in tokamaks with small sets of pre-damaged components Requirement (or not – extent of the problem) for cleaning of carbon and carbidic-compounds produced as a result of operation with C-W-Be before transition to a W-Be device material mix Potential topics for next meeting : W R&D for ITER
13E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom W material damage, dust generation and W transport along B due to transients (including large number of cycles) –On longer timescale effects of n-irradiation on W material damage under transient loads PWI and fuel retention in W and Be/W compounds, including n-irradiation effects and dust production in steady-state PWI on Be-coated W PFCs under steady-state and transients Evaluation of W water-cooled PFC component performance under combined ITER-like ELM/disruption-like loads and steady-state loads Considerably enhanced modelling programme in support of W R&D to allow evaluation of results and physics-based extrapolation to ITER Potential topics for next meeting : W R&D for ITER
14E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Summary New organisation : links with ITER strengthened Info/concerns both ways with IO physics and diags Last meeting : ITER requests on dust and H level Next meeting : possibly in EU, joint meeting with diags, ITER request : RF conditionning, transient re-attachment, W R&D … List of high priority tasks : T retention/removal, transients, high Z compatibility, SOL transport (div + walls) Discussion : coordination at EU level (cf BPO in US) ? Role of SEWG leaders/contact persons ? Mailing list ?