Who were the Progressives? Urban reformers who picked up where the Populists and Grangers left off. Appealed to Middle Class America because they targeted avarice, greed and corruption in capitalism and government.
Increase in Democracy…Political Reform The Muckrakers trusted the people to come up with solutions…a faith in democracy Showed this belief in democracy There were other movements to increase democracy – Australian (secret) ballot – Direct primary – Initiative, referendum, and recall – Direct election of Senators (17 th Amendment) – Municipal Reform – 16, 17, 18, and 19 th amendments
Social Reform Laws protecting workers (triangle shirtwaist fire) Child-labor laws Settlement houses and social work – Jane Addams and Hull House Women’s Suffrage (19 th amendment) Prohibition (18 th amendment) African American civil rights movement
Economic Reform Tariff reduction Federal Reserve Act Clayton Anti-trust act (strengthened Sherman) Federal Farm Loan Act Mann-Elkins Act-gave ICC more power to regulate
Progressive Presidents
Can you define the word Awesome? Awesome: Adjective 1.Inspiring of Awe 2._____________ 3.Whatever you have is wrong. The correct answer is…
Teddy (my boy) He re-captured the authority of the office Very savvy politician who called for a “Square Deal” Believed in “good” and “bad” trusts. Worked to break up the bad ones Coal Strike in 1902 Conservationist I’m gonna bust some trusts like I busted this elephant
William H. Taft Hand-picked successor to Teddy He did Tariff reform Expanded conservation efforts Enhanced power of ICC 16 and 17 th amendments Prosecuted many more trusts (2x as many) Went back to work after office and became Supreme Court Chief Justice Why does everybody hate on me? My list of accomplishments is pretty solid…
Election of 1912 enables Wilson to come in (a Democrat? Really?) Should not have been elected Continues Roosevelt’s Progressivism (strong gov’t regulation) – “New Freedom” program Attacked “The triple wall of privilege” (Tariff, Banks, Trusts) – Lowers tariff – Federal Reserve System banking reform – Clayton Antiturst Federal Farm Loan Act Workman’s Comp