Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October New Horizons for EFDA PWI meeting, October 2007 Jerome Pamela EFDA Leader
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EU Strategy towards DEMO Facilities for Plasma R&D Confinement Impurity Control Plasma Stability ITER/DEMO Physics Support Components SC Magnets Tritium Handling System Plasma Facing Compts. Remote Mainten. System Heating System Safety Test Blanket Modules ITER DEMO IFMIF Structural Materials And T breeding TBM JETJT60SA
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Key elements of the strategy towards DEMO are getting in place ITER - agreement signed in Nov construction to start soon Broader Approach agreement with Japan - JT60 SA - IFMIF EVEDA - IFERC with supercomputer
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Joint Undertaking for ITER Domestic Agency to provide and manage EU contribution to ITER Contribution to Broader Approach located in Spain (Barcelona) New Organisation in Europe from 2007 European Fusion Development Agreement (EFDA) Agreement between all EU fusion labs and Euratom Coordinated activities (physics in support to ITER, longer term technology) European Laboratories (associated to Euratom)
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Revised Scope Collective use of JET Reinforced coordination of physics and technology in EU laboratories Training All EU Laboratories/Institutions working on Fusion are parties to EFDA EFDA
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October JET remains a key programme under EFDA ITER-like wall experiment under peparation ITER W CFC JET
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EFDA: Reinforced coordination through Task Forces and Topical Groups 2 existing Task Forces: PWI Integrated Modelling 5 new Topical Groups: H&CD approved at EFDA Steering Committee in June 2007, integrates the four CC on heating systems MHD Transportapproved at EFDA SC Diagnostics25 October 2007 Material Sciences
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EFDA New Rules for preferential support in FP7 cooperative activities (hardware and manpower) can benefit from preferential support Some activities under P.S. will soon be implemented under the PWI and ITM Task Forces: -TF coordination -Some joint experiments -Some actions conducted by Associations as a service to all others -Hardware identified by the TF The proposals are top-down: priorities identified by the TF, approved in the EFDA work programme and then subject to a Call to the Associations
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EFDA First example of an EFDA Project under Preferential Support: Gateway (for Integrated Modelling) AIM => accessing, collecting, evaluating and managing experimental data and simulation results of EFDA Task Force ITM Preferential Support granted at CCE-FU 15 June to ENEA following a Call for proposals to Associations Construction starting Expected to be in Operation possibly before end of 1 st quarter 2008
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EFDA gets also involved in training a new generation of physicists and engineers staff to be trained over the coming 5 years under collaborative training projects First Call launched in September, 40 trainees foreseen. 2 to 3 years projects. Proposals shall be in areas approved at the EFDA SC. Topics selected this year: Negative Ion based Neutral Beam Modelling Fuel Cycle Breeding Blanket Engineering Design / Construction Plasma Control Plasma Operations rf Engineering Power Supplies Engineering - new Fusion research grants: competition open to all post- docs/equivalent in European Labs / ~10 grants per year
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EFDA Close Support Unit: new positions EFDA Close Support Unit Garching: About 12 professionals New tasks in relation to coordination activities in Associations (physics and technology) -Duarte Borba, IST, head of Physics Coordination -4 positions published within Physics Coordination, deadline in early November -Transport and H&CD -ITM and related tools -PWI -Diagnostics -3 positions published within Technologies, including Group Leader -1 position published Head of Administration
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October EU Strategy towards DEMO Facilities for Plasma R&D Confinement Impurity Control Plasma Stability ITER/DEMO Physics Support Components SC Magnets Tritium Handling System Plasma Facing Compts. Remote Mainten. System Heating System Safety Test Blanket Modules ITER DEMO IFMIF Structural Materials And T breeding TBM JETJT60SA
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October A Facilities Review is organised by the Commission as part of FP7 Panel to start working by end of the year and finalise recommendations by Summer 2008 EFDA preparing an input to the Facilities Review The EFDA input is prepared in two stages: 1- programmatic input (to be finalised by December 2007) 2- input on facilities (early 2008)
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October First stage: elaboration of programmatic input -Step 1: -1st workshop July, Garching -Step 2: July-October -Expert groups elaborate proposal under EFDA coordination -2 nd workshop 8-9 October, Cadarache -Step 3: end October -draft intermediate programmatic document to EFDA SC
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Draft EFDA Programmatic Input to Facilities Review Implementation of fusion strategy Some points are clear, e.g.: an early decision to build IFMIF is needed (on critical path) ITER 1st phase of operation (Q=10 and Test Blanket Modules) second on critical path However, a full implementation of the strategy requires more (the accompanying programme) and this more is not fully defined/prioritised => detailed considerations need to be made to define in details the accompanying programme: –preparation of DEMO; –programme to support ITER and prepare its operation and scientific exploitation; –ITER satellite programme.
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October First priority of the European fusion programme is the success of the ITER construction. Another top level priority is the realisation of the Broader Approach (BA) projects (IFMIF, JT60SA etc.) Seven R&D Missions are proposed to complement these Construction Projects
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Draft EFDA Programmatic Input to Facilities Review Seven R&D Missions First wall materials & compatibility with ITER/DEMO relevant plasmas Reliable Tokamak Operation Burning Plasmas Technology and physics of Long Pulse & Steady State Predicting fusion performance Materials and Components for Nuclear Operation Integrated DEMO Design: towards high availability and efficient electricity generation
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Draft EFDA Programmatic Input to Facilities Review 1 st Mission: First wall materials & compatibility with ITER/DEMO relevant plasmas choice of materials first plasma scenarios must comply with constraints from plasma facing materials (ELM mitigation, edge conditions minimising erosion, intrinsic and extrinsic impurities, etc.) 2 nd Mission: Reliable Tokamak Operation Wall conditioning Plasma start-up and controlled termination Operation limits (determination and avoidance) Plasma control Disruption avoidance
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Milestones 10 years, in preparation to ITER operation: · Completion of the dust and tritium removal development programme · Development of plasma scenarios compatible with high-Z and mixed materials operation. About 15 years, before start of ITER DT operation · Determining the detailed hydrogen/deuterium inventory (experimentation on ITER and satellite devices), supported by modelling validation to establish the basis for DT operation and divertor materials optimisation. 20 year, DEMO construction decision · Plasma scenarios compatible with DEMO materials · Selection of dedicated material(s) tested under n-irradiation and optimised for plasma-wall interaction processes (tritium retention, embrittlement, erosion). Due to the long lead-time this programme needs to be initiated today. Milestones from the 7 Missions put together constitute a consistent Fusion Roadmap and highlight programme priorities Milestones 10 years, in preparation to ITER operation: · Completion of the dust and tritium removal development programme · Development of plasma scenarios compatible with high-Z and mixed materials operation. About 15 years, before start of ITER DT operation · Determining the detailed hydrogen/deuterium inventory (experimentation on ITER and satellite devices), supported by modelling validation to establish the basis for DT operation and divertor materials optimisation. 20 year, DEMO construction decision · Plasma scenarios compatible with DEMO materials · Selection of dedicated material(s) tested under n-irradiation and optimised for plasma-wall interaction processes (tritium retention, embrittlement, erosion). Due to the long lead-time this programme needs to be initiated today. Milestones from the 7 Missions put together constitute a consistent Fusion Roadmap and highlight programme priorities Draft EFDA Programmatic Input to Facilities Review Example: First wall materials & compatibility with ITER/DEMO relevant plasmas
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Long Term R&D missions bringing together topics as well as competences and means: –integrated programmatic approach –further tightening the cooperation between laboratories and facilities –keeping a close link between science and technology –providing a clear readable presentation of the programme and its objectives Consolidate the reactor-oriented approach Only ITER and DEMO relevant objectives Cultural (r)evolution, which is indeed necessary to prepare for ITER -e.g. first wall materials/scenarios -Tokamak operation -Need for integration and launch of conceptual study in preparation for DEMO R&D Missions Milestones = a fully implemented Fast Track Roadmap R&D Missions = a basis for analysis of Facilities needs/requirements Draft EFDA Programmatic Input to Facilities Review Added value of these R&D Missions
Jerome Pamela PWI meeting, 31 October Next steps in preparation of Facilities Review Finalisation of EFDA draft programmatic input before Xmas Second step: preparation of input on facilities under EFDA coordination (Workshop foreseen in Frascati end January)