Getting the Most Bang for your Tree (…or clam or scallop or mussel…): Integrating Restoration and Policy Agendas to Affect Environmental Change Stephanie Reynolds and Bill Goldsborough Chesapeake Bay Foundation Presented by: Tommy Leggett Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Oyster Planting Event CBF’s Oyster Restoration Center Speaker Busch (MD state) interested One morning on board for an oyster planting CBF followed up with specific requests for Chesapeake oyster restoration: “Oyster Solutions” Bills passed the following session: $250,000 for artificial reef construction $9 m for expanded hatchery production Creation of the Oyster Advisory Commission (OAC) Increased enforcement (poaching)
Maryland Dairy Farm project Stream bank fencing/ tree planting project in Congressman Bartlett’s (R-MD) district 80 volunteers 30 volunteers sent the letters urging him to support Chesapeake Bay $$$ in Farm Bill Bartlett signed on as a co-sponsor* *CHESSEA marker Bill: Chesapeake’s Healthy and Environmentally Sound Stewardship of Energy and Agriculture Act of 2007
West Virginia Project CBF does one project in WVa/ year (minor partner) Legislative agenda: Get $$$ in the Federal Farm bill for the Chesapeake Sen. Rockefeller (D- Wva) asked for 3 letters of support; CBF worked with restoration partners in WVa to get 9 letters Rockefeller signed on as a co- sponsor
West Virginia Project Successful Formula: Restoration partners + clear policy agenda + asking partners to act on that agenda
Policy agenda without hands-on restoration events = No capital, but a need to spend it Hands-on restoration events with no policy agenda = Lots of capital, but no way to spend it Restoration Events + Policy Agenda