P. Pelicon, I. Čadež, S. Markelj, Z. Rupnik, P. Vavpetič, N. Grlj Jožef Stefan Institute, Association EURATOM-MHEST, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia S. Brezinsek, A. Kreter Institut für Energieforschung - Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Association EURATOM-FZJ, Trilateral Euregio Cluster, D Germany T. Dittmar, E. Tsitrone, B. Pégourié, P. Languille CEA, IRFM, F Saint-Paul-lez-Durance, France M. Rubel Alfvén Laboratory, Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Association EURATOM – VR, SE Stockholm, Sweden T. Schwarz-Selinger Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Association EURATOM, D Garching, Germany Deuterium mapping with micro-NRA using high energy focused 3 He beam for fuel retention studies EFDA task WP10-PWI /MHST/PS SEWG Gas balance and fuel retention meeting, IPP, Garching, July 2010
Contents: 1.Introduction:experiment 2.Lateral distribution on plasma-facing surface 3. Depth distribution: gaps, bulk 4. Remarks and conclusion
1. Introduction: JSI tandetron, focused ion beam, in-situ ERDA
Focused high-energy ion beam at JSI Biomedicine, geology, fusion, ecology
Scanning coils Chopper Q triplet lens Ge X-ray detector NRA detector Sample RBS detector Collimator slit 3 He beam NRA setup: simultaneous acqisition at four detectors: NRA, RBS, X-ray, chopper List mode: each detector event recorded together with the beam position Lateral resolution at 300 pA: 5 µm (beam size), 4.5 MeV 3 He 2+ 3He-Induced X-ray Emmission (3HIXE)
2.Lateral distribution of deuterium on plasma facing surface: CFCs from DITS experiment
F4 T19 (thin, plasma-loaded ?) front surface, side gaps, cleavage F17 T2 (shadowed zone) front surface, side gaps, cleavage F4 T9 (thick deposit) gap Q4L1 F17 T7 (shadowed zone) gap Q4L1 F26 T9 (erosion) gap Q3L1 F29 T9 (erosion) gap Q4L1
2. Lateral distribution of fuel in the plasma-facing wall Tore Supra, DITS CFC tile No. F4 T19: thin, plasma-loaded ? 1840 x 1840 µm 2
D concentration span of 2 orders of magnitude: from to D at/cm 2
Deuterium is retained in the topographical voids F4 T19, NRA D map 1840 x 1840 µm 2 SEM image
3.A Depth distribution: gaps
DFeCrTi Gap F26T9 Q3L1 (erosion zone) 6.0 mm 1.8 mm surface bottom Cu
F26 T9 (erosion) gap Q3L1
F29 T9 (erosion) gap Q4L1
F4 T9 (thick deposit) gap Q4L1
F17 T7 (shadowed zone) gap Q4L1
3.B Depth distribution: bulk (cleavages)
F4 T19 (thin, plasma-loaded ?), cleavage scan size 1840 x 1840 µm 2 tilt of 4º to deter D surface signal D map µmdepth
Scans over the cleavages F17 T2 (shadowed zone), Lot 3 No.7, scan size 1840 x 1840 µm 2 Edge rough, tilt 6º, Run DFeCr depth
F17 T2 (shadowed zone), Lot 3 No.7, cleaved edge, Deuterium projection on the depth axis Constant D concentration observed in the depth > 400 µm, value 1.15 x at/cm 3 (exact measured value of 1.2 x D atom per C atom). This value may be influenced by cutting, etc. Surface values influenced strongly by the geometry and topography, irrelevant Constant bulk concentration
Conclusion: Micro-NRA important support to the retention studies 3 He price issue: 15-fold increase of price Last quote (may 2010) 35 kEURO for 10 litre (200 hours of beamtime) alternatives (micro-ERDA?), Access to USA research-allocated quantities via EFDA?