PresidentYear Economic Views Political Views Social Views Legislation Warren G. Harding Gov’t help guide business to profits., laissez-faire, tax cuts, against antitrust laws Appointed 4 SC judges, including Taft, isolationist who favored disarmament. Anti-progressive, against organized labor, favored immigration quotas Emergency Quota Act Veterans Bureau, Budget and Accounting Act, Fordney- McCumber Tariff Calvin Coolidge Laissez-faire, pro-business, conservative, frugal, favored tax cuts, and low gov’t. spending, high tariffs Left most issues to the states, refrained from alliances, favored the U.S. joining a World Court, strong presence in Latin America, isolationist who favored disarmament. Condemned the KKK, favored immigration quotas, silent on the Sacco and Vanzetti trial Native American Immigration Act of 1924, Revenue Acts of 1924, 1926, Federal Radio Commission, Kellogg-Briand Pact Herbert Hoover Good Neighbor Policy Anti Monroe Doctrine Reconstruction Finance Corp. Federal Farm Board Hawley-Smoot Tariff
YearLegislationGoalsOutcome 1921 Veterans Bureau Authorized to operate hospitals and provide vocational rehabilitation for the disabled. Still exists Budget and Accounting Act President presents budget to Congress, assisted farm cooperatives. President still presents to Congress Ford- McCumber Tariff Raised American tariffs on many imported goods in order to protect factories and farms (domestic production) against foreign competitors. N/A 1923 Adkins v. Children’s Hospital Supreme Court reversed Muller v. Oregon. Women could no longer be protected by special legislation b/c of the 19 th amendment. Still applicable McNary- Haugen Bill Kept agriculture prices high by allowing the gov’t. to buy up surpluses and sell them abroad. N/A 1924 Immigration Act Reduced the # of immigrants and discriminated against those from Southern and Eastern Europe. N/A 1924 Dawes Plan Rescheduled Germany’s reparation payments and opened the way for further U.S. private loans to Germany. N/A
YearLegislationGoalsOutcome 1924 Adjusted Compensation Act Gave every former soldier a paid-up insurance policy.Coolidge was against it but Congress overrode his veto Kellogg-Briand Pact International agreement that pledged nations to outlaw war. N/A b/c WWII… 1930 Hawley-Smoot Tariff The highest protective tariff in peacetime passed as a result of horse trading. Led to a tariff war. N/A 1932 Reconstruction Finance Corp. Designed to provide indirect relief by assisting insurance companies, banks, agricultural organizations, railroads, and even state and local gov’ts. “Pump priming” N/A