CERN openlab Communications CERN openlab IV Major Review Meeting Mélissa Gaillard Mary Touranakou › 15/10/2014
Major Actions › Mechanisms to: Report sponsor specific results Request CERN official approval related to the use of CERN and CERN openlab members’ quotes in sponsor press releases and documents › Permanent liaison with sponsors on communications matters › Registration and creation of dissemination material › Background actions such as: Web news Press coverage follow-up/database Website updates and formatting modifications 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab2
CERN openlab Whitepaper › The whitepaper was officially published on Zenodo and on the CERN openlab website at the same time on 22 May ZenodoCERN openlab website › The press release was published and distributed by CERN.CERN › CERN article: 14/05/cern-openlab-future-it-challenges- scientific-research 14/05/cern-openlab-future-it-challenges- scientific-research › The link was tweeted by the CERN account (about a million followers, 64 times retweeted), posted on Facebook, Google+, Linkedin, etc /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab3
CERN openlab Annual Report 2013 › Draft version of the technical section related to the joint work has been sent to the CERN openlab partners and contributors for content related feedback › We are still waiting for feedback from some companies. Partners, contributor and associate will receive the full report draft in November and as soon as you give us the green light it will be sent for printing › Website content will be updated based on the agreed content of the annual report 2013 at the end of November 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab4
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
CERN Communication Context in Numbers › Visits Service: 90,000 visitors in 2013 (compared to 85,000 in 2012, 75,000 in 2011, 58,000 in 2010, 40,000 in 2009 and 25,000 in 2008) and still many more requests › Permanent exhibition (‘Universe of Particles’ in the Globe for Science and Innovation): around 70,000 visitors in 2013 (62,000 visitors in 2012, 52,000 visitors in 2011) › Total of 181 protocol visits in 2013 (161 visits in 2012 and a total of 282 VIP visits with Head of States, Ministers when aggregating 2010 and 2011) › Teachers Programme: 1035 in 2013 (1045 in 2012, 1112 in 2011, 984 in 2010, 830 participants in 2009): limit of present capacity... 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab6 Excerpt from slides presented by CERN DG on 8 January 2014
CERN Communication Context in Numbers › Journalists visiting CERN and interviewing CERN physicists all year-long (1210 journalists representing 555 media in 2013) › Social media: 899,000 followers on Twitter, 130 retweets per tweet (CERN named the most effective international organization on Twitter by a Twiplomacy study) › Web: Launch of the new CERN website (average of 5000 unique visitors per day from all regions of the world) 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab7 Excerpt from slides presented by CERN DG on 8 January 2014
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
Major Events during CERN openlab IV with Large Media Coverage › Major events organized by or involving CERN which had large media coverage during CERN openlab IV: Higgs boson announcement 04/07/2012 Paralympics’ Event TEDxCERN 2013 and 2014 events CERN Open Days 2013 Physics Nobel Prize announcement events all CERN 60 th anniversary events all year long in 2014 And many more… 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab9
Paralympics Opener in 2012 Featuring Stephen Hawking and the LHC › “The Large Hadron Collider at CERN is the largest, most complex machine in the world, possibly the universe,” Hawking says, as the British electronica duo’s lush and poignant synthesized sounds soar behind him. “By smashing particles together at enormous energies, it re- creates conditions of the Big Bang. The recent discovery of what looks like the Higgs particle is a triumph of human endeavor and international collaboration. It will change our perception of the world, and has the potential to offer insights into a complete theory of everything.”recent discovery of what looks like the Higgs particle › Full article and video available at: /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab10
4 th July 2012 Announcement Coverage One week prior to the Higgs boson announcement, CERN issued a press release stating that CMS and ATLAS would present their results on 4th July at CERN. The seminar took place at CERN as a curtain raiser to the ICHEP conference which was organised in Australia this summer: physicists from around the world gathering in Melbourne were able to join the seminar via a live two-way link. After the seminar (which was webcasted), the CERN Director General and the ATLAS and CMS Spokespersons hosted a press conference. This was followed by TV and radio interviews and discussions between journalists and physicists. Unprecedented coverage of a particle discovery in all types of media! 11 The information shared on the following slides come from material developed by the ATLAS and CMS outreach teams as well as from the CERN Press Office 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab
4th July 2012 Announcement Coverage › At CERN on the day: 88 journalists representing 55 media: 11 worldwide news agencies including Reuters, AP and AFP; 21 print press representatives; 4 photographers and 20 TV companies › A media analysis report commissioned by CERN from NASDAQ OMX found 17,000 articles in 108 countries about the discovery, between 27th June and 10th July /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab12
A Massive Press Coverage It even included an article from Auto World News, showing just how far-reaching the media coverage generated was. 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab13
4 th July 2012 Announcement Coverage › The webcast of the Higgs seminar had almost 500,000 single IP connections – with a record 60,500 IPs connected at once. CERN also provided 150 scientific institutes – with an estimated audience of 10,000 people – with a special HD connection to the webcast, and a video conference connection to the 700 physicists present in Melbourne for the ICHEP conference. › Video footage was used by 1,034 TV stations and 5,016 news programmes (compared to 550 TV stations and 3,500 news programmes in 2008, for the inauguration of the LHC):. An estimate of 1 billion viewers worldwide ! 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab14
Coverage in the Social Media Celebrities helped spread the message to broad, young audiences. Some examples below: 4.2 million Twitter followers of Will-i-am (of Black Eyed Peas) 2.9 million Twitter followers of rapper MCHammer 2 million People following singer Lana del Rey on Facebook 5.1 million people on Twitter received the CMS announcement: “ We have observed a new boson […] ” 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab15
2012: Under the Spotlights… Excerpt from a Slide presented by CERN DG in January /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab16
“Hero of the Year” 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab17
18 Nature’s ten People Who Mattered This Year (2012) 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab
Fabiola Gianotti (ATLAS Spokesperson) Time Person of the Year 2012 Number /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab19
Time in 2012: ‘Particle of the Year’ › ‘Forget Person of the Year – the discovery this summer by the Large Hadron Collider of the Higgs Boson particle was one of science’s greatest achievements’ Read more: year/#ixzz2HNOkmG1B year/#ixzz2HNOkmG1B › Video: /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab20
Physics World Top Breakthrough for /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab21
Major IT Related Events during CERN openlab IV › After reaching the remarkable figure of 100 petabytes of stored data early in the year 2013, CERN’s computing capacity was expanded significantly with an extension to the Data Centre at CERN as well as the establishment of a new data centre in Budapest at the Wigner Research Centre, Hungary.100 petabytes of stored dataextension to the Data Centrenew data centre in Budapest /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab22
Update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab23 Excerpt from a slides presented by CERN DG on 8 January 2014
CERN Open Days Sept 2013 › 70,000 visitors in total › 6000 people visited the CERN data centre, and watched the CERN IT in 8 minutes’ video (presenting CERN openlab at 03:17) over the week-end. CERN openlab posters were highly visible during the event. 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab24
Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 › The Nobel Prize in Physics 2013 was awarded jointly to François Englert and Peter W. Higgs "for the theoretical discovery of a mechanism that contributes to our understanding of the origin of mass of subatomic particles, and which recently was confirmed through the discovery of the predicted fundamental particle, by the ATLAS and CMS experiments at CERN's Large Hadron Collider”. 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab25
London Science Museum Exhibition: ‘Collider’ (13/11/2013 to 05/05/2014) › 54,000 people visited the exhibition before it is moved to other venues: 23 May – 28 September 2014 Museum of Science and Industry, Manchester (about 15,000 visitors). Museum of Science and Industry 17 October 2014 – 19 July 2015 Palais de la découverte, Paris. Palais de la découverte Other venues and dates across Asia and Australia to be announced. 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab26
OECD Report Praises Innovation at CERN › OECD report, ‘The Impacts of Large Research Infrastructures on Economic Innovation and on Society: Case Studies at CERN’, published in June 2014, praises innovation at CERN › Focuses on medical applications 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab27
CERN is Expanding › Israël has joined as a new member state in 2014 › Romania is a candidate to become a member state › Serbia is an associate member in the pre-stage to membership 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab28
TEDXCERN › First edition in › New edition on 24 September 2014 – Forward: Charting the future with science. 1200 attendees 15 journalists/media 21 articles 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab29
CERN 60th Birthday Celebrations › In honour of CERN’s 60th anniversary, the laboratory is offering a chance to high-school students worldwide to carry out an experiment at CERN in a "beam line for schools" competition. › May 22 nd : Science and Society: the Impact on Computing at CERN on Society, talk by Bob Jones mentioning CERN openlabScience and Society: the Impact on Computing at CERN on Society › July 1st: Celebration of the anniversary of the signature of the convention at UNESCO in Paris › September 19 th : Celebration of the anniversary of the first council session at CERN. At this occasion, the work of CERN openlab, including the summer student programme, was highlighted under the theme of technology transfer in the talk by Horst Wenninger. › September 26th: From physics to daily life colloquium and book. Chapter and talk mentioning CERN openlab by Bob Jones openlab openlab › September 29 th : Celebration of the CERN anniversary with highest level representatives from the members states, associate members, observers, etc., at CERN › Throughout the year: Many events in member states: 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab30 More than 400 articles 49 journalists and media at CERN on 29 th September
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2014 and 2015 › The programme: ̵ Exists since A total of 207 students have participated so far. ̵ In 2014, 23 students from 17 nationalities came to CERN (China, Czech Republic, Egypt, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Slovak Republic, Spain, Turkey, UK, Ukraine, USA) ̵ A special series of lectures given by CERN experts from mid-July to early August, on advanced CERN-related topics ̵ In 2014, visits to CERN facilities, ILL and ESRF in Grenoble and to Open Systems, to EPFZ, and Google in Zurich › Timeline 2015: Leaflet and poster 2015 available in December New video will be available at the same time Call for projects in IT by mid March 2015 Student applications by end of March 2015 (opening announced in December 2014) Goodies very much welcome by the students working on the openlab projects! 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab32
CERN openlab Summer Student Programme 2014 › Communication 2014: More than 850 applicants this year! ̵ ing to 130 targeted contacts: the Computer Science Departments, the alumni organizations and the Career Information Officers of 48 key technology universities part of CERN member countries done at the beginning of February ̵ Dedicated pages on CERN openlab website and on CERN website’s recruitment section ̵ Articles on the CERN openlab website and on the CERN website in January 2014 ̵ Postings on CERN Twitter account, on LinkedIn, on CERN Facebook account, in Euraxess (European Commission job website for researchers). ̵ Video (created in 2013 by Jasmine Benson, Sebastian Medykowski, and Ioannis Georgopoulos) ̵ /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab33
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
CERN openlab Website Traffic since July /10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab35 Unique Visitors (Unique IP per month) => Increase of 100% over the first 20 months (calculation based on the linear trendline): from an average of 2000 unique monthly visitors to almost 4000 (keeps increasing in 2014). (Incoming) Visits: (visitors who have not been on the website within the last hour) => Increase of 115% over the first 20 months (calculation based on the linear trendline): from 2800 to more than 6000 incoming visits per month (keeps increasing: on average 6,300 incoming visits from January 2014 to September 2014). Press Release Postings for the Summer Student Programme 2013 applications ICE-DIP Summer Student Programme 2013 deadline to apply BoS Summer Student Programme 2013 kick-off Press Release
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars › CERN Computing Colloquia present future trends in computing and information technology that are of broad interest to the physics and computing community at CERN. They are generally hold in the main auditorium. › CERN IT Seminars are more technical and generally held in the IT auditorium as they are targeting computing experts. We will be glad to help you liaise with CERN IT Department to participate in such colloquia or seminars: feel free to share your ideas with us 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab37
CERN Communication Context in Numbers CERN openlab IV Main Events and Conferences CERN openlab Summer Student Programme CERN openlab Website Traffic Computing Colloquia and IT Seminars Approval Process
› All documents (press releases, web pages, case studies, advertising campaigns, billboards, posters, presentations, etc.) mentioning CERN or CERN openlab must be sent to CERN for approval › We will help you with this approval process: please contact us as soon as you have a project, even if this is at a very early stage (the sooner the better) 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab39
CERN openlab IV Communication in Numbers (from January 2012 till now) CERN openlab news (website): 65 CERN Courier articles, CERN Bulletin articles, CERN openlab updates on the CERN website: 21 Press articles mentioning CERN openlab: 192 CERN openlab presentations: 104 CERN openlab reports: 66 CERN openlab papers: 5 CERN openlab posters at conferences: 5 CERN openlab workshops: 28 CERN openlab press releases published by CERN, joint press releases with sponsors or sponsors press releases mentioning openlab: 16 Sponsors’ spotlights: 8 Seminars by CERN openlab guests: 16 Visits and events openlab related: 33 CERN openlab summer students: 60 CERN openlab summer students lectures: 39 CERN IT and openlab videos (about openlab, about student programme, IT in 8 minutes mentioning openlab): 3 15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab40 >New Drupal website launched at the beginning of CERN openlab IV, as well as new report and ppt templates. >CERN openlab mentioned in every CERN and CERN Knowledge Transfer annual reports and at many CERN ‘high coverage’ events.
15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab41 CERN openlab IV has engaged up to 70 people per year at CERN and the sponsoring companies
15/10/2014M. Gaillard – M. Touranakou - CERN openlab42 ‘Grid and Cloud’ chapter includes an overview of CERN openlab, highlights some of the success stories and the companies involved From Physics to Daily Life: Applications in Informatics, Energy, and Environment Beatrice BressanBeatrice Bressan (Editor) ISBN: pages September 2014, Wiley-Blackwell