Let’s Talk 1 st Grade
Our 1 st grade team
Things to know when starting 1 st grade
Language Arts Identifying all letters, uppercase and lowercase Recognize and write all letter sounds they hear Begin to use invented spelling when writing Recognize and read all Kindergarten sight words Orally retell a story using beginning, middle and end
Concept of Print Direction of left to right when reading Identify front cover of a book Identify title and title page When to turn the page in the book What a period means
Math Identify and write the numbers Count to 100 Count by tens and to 100 Identify basic shapes and their attributes Solve simple addition and subtraction problems Describe measured items in terms of longer and shorter and weighed items as lighter and heavier
Things we learn in 1 st grade
Language Arts Sequencing of a story using the words first, next, then and last Oral retelling of a story and identify the setting, main characters and events from the story Able to answer questions after listening or reading a story
How to write complete sentences about a given topic using proper capitalization and punctuation Sound out unknown words independently and write letters to match the sounds Apply taught spelling skills Spelling test begin in January
Math Identify and write numbers up to 120 Addition and subtraction problems up to 20 Place Value, making a model with base ten blocks, drawing a picture of a number and identifying the number in the tens and ones place Less than, greater than, and equal to Time on the hour and half hour (analog and digital)
PTD (Primary Talented Devolpment) Continues in 1 st grade
Design Dilemma
1 st grade Projects Cereal Box Project Gingerbread Man journal project Black History Month Project Career Day Project Make up Your Own Holiday