1E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom 2009 WP for the PWI TF : Tasks agreements and priority support The EU PWI TF under new EFDA.


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Presentation transcript:

1E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom 2009 WP for the PWI TF : Tasks agreements and priority support The EU PWI TF under new EFDA : Timeline Priority support : selection criteria Reporting for the TF Work Programme 2009 : TF and SEWG leadership Tasks agreements for 2009 Summary

2E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom The PWI TF under new EFDA

3E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Definition of the Work Program for the next year(s) Presentation of the n+1 annual WP to EFDA SC (main lines – ceiling) (feb-march) Call for Participation for n+1 WP (summer) Answer to call (early sept) Call assessment by PWI TF (end sept) Presentation to EFDA SC for approval (oct) Task agreements drafted for n+1 WP (nov) Implemented by end of the year SEWGs meetings Annual PWI TF meeting, reporting on current WP Timeline for the PWI TF Next call : summer 2009 for

4E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Priority support : selection criteria Baseline support : no ceiling, proposals from associations (~ 80 ppy) on priority actions. Priority support : ceiling for ppy (~ 18 ppy) and hardware (~ 300 kEuros) selection Rejected : not in the scope of the PWI TF WP JET related work Reduced ( shifted to BS) : non collaborative work (unless priority like T/Be related work) no associated effort in BS ceiling limit TF leadership (leader + deputy) (0.5 ppy) : EFDA SC on proposal by EFDA leader, 3 years term SEWG leadership (0.25 ppy) : EFDA on proposal from PWI TF leadership, term = duration of the call (1 year for 2009, 2 years for )

5E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Meetings / Reporting Meetings : SEWG meetings : science oriented, large part for discussion, plans for collaborative work, joint SEWG meetings (material migration / fuel retention / fuel removal) Annual meeting : SEWG reports : science oriented + table indicating degree of completion « free » session for topics not covered by SEWG feedback from associations on organisation etc … discussion of next year programme Reporting : Baseline support : slides shown at annual meeting + template (degree of completion, highlights, publications) Priority support : reports to be sent by associations (template to come) to SEWG leaders, justification of ppy + hardware, scientific highlights, publications …

6E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom 2009 WP for the PWI TF

7E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom New team for PWI TF TF leadership ( ) : leader E. Tsitrone (CEA), deputy R. Neu (IPP) SEWGs (2009) : Material migration : S. Brezinsek (FZJ) High Z : G. Maddaluno (ENEA) Mixed materials : K. Krieger (IPP) Fuel retention : T. Loarer (CEA) Fuel removal : P. Coad (UKAEA) Dust : C. Grisolia (CEA), M. Rubel (VR) Transients : M. Lehnen (FZJ)

8E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom 9 TAs for 2009 Fuel retention : TA-1: Fuel retention as a function of wall materials foreseen for ITER Fuel removal : TA-2: Fuel removal compatible with retention in different and mixed first wall materials Dust : TA-3: Dust generation and characterization in different devices Material migration : TA-4: Erosion, transport and deposition of first wall impurities High Z : TA-5: Development of the PWI basis in support of integrated high-Z scenarios for ITER TA-6: Liquid plasma-facing components Mixed materials : TA-7: Expected alloys and compounds and their influence on PWI processes Transients : TA-8: Mitigation of disruption loads for ITER TA-9: Heat load in ITER relevant ELM scenarios

9E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 1 : Fuel retention as a function of wall materials foreseen for ITER (CEA, ENEA, FZJ, IPP, IST, Latvia, MedC, MHEST, TEKES, UKAEA, VR) Retention in C : TS (DITS project), Textor, porosity of CFC Retention in W : AUG (post mortem) Retention in Be : MHEST (Be handling facility) Post mortem : TEKES, VR, IPP, IST, ENEA, Latvia Gaps : CEA, FZJ, post mortem + modelling Diagnostics : Laser (LIBS …) CEA, FZJ International scaling for ITER T retention BS : 6.5 ppy, PS : 5.7 ppy, hardware : 48 kEuros

10E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 2 : Fuel removal compatible with retention in different and mixed first wall materials (CEA, CIEMAT, ENEA, FOM, FZJ, IPP, IPPLM, MedC, MHEST, UKAEA, VR) Chemical cleaning : GDC, oxygen, scavenger : CEA, CIEMAT, FZJ, FOM, IPP, MHEST, ENEA Photonic cleaning : Laser (break up products, in situ demo) : CEA, IPPLM Gaps : FZJ, MedC (plasma torch) Diagnostics : FZJ Post mortem : VR Be ? Proxy = Al, Mg ? IPPLM, MHEST BS : 11.9 ppy, PS : 1.5 ppy, hardware : 30 kEuros

11E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 3 : Dust generation and characterization in different devices (CEA, CIEMAT, ENEA, FZJ, IPP, UKAEA, VR) Multi machine dust collection and analysis : MAST, TS, Textor, AUG + lab experiments Dust diags : Erosion, fast cameras, dust detectors : CEA, IPP, UKAEA, CIEMAT, ENEA Quantitative ? Dust transport : FZJ (dust injection) BS : 7.9 ppy, PS : 0.9 ppy, hardware : 30 kEuros

12E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 4 : Erosion, transport and deposition of first wall impurities (CEA, CIEMAT, DCU, Cyprus, FOM, FZJ, IPP, IPP.CR, IST, MedC, MHEST, OAW, TEKES, UKAEA) Global material migration : CEA, FZJ, IPP, FOM Tracer experiments ( 13 C + W … ) : Textor, AUG, MAST, (JET) Gaps : FZJ, CEA, CIEMAT Erosion / redeposition / re-erosion : FZJ, FOM, OAW, MHEST, IST, Cyprus Modelling : ERO, DIVIMP, SOLPS : FZJ, FOM, IPP, DCU, TEKES, UKAEA BS : 18.1 ppy, PS : 3.6 ppy, hardware : 13 kEuros

13E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 5 : Development of the PWI basis in support of integrated high-Z scenarios for ITER (CEA, ENEA, FOM, FZJ, FZK, IPP, IPPLM, IST, MHEST, OAW, SCK-CEN, TEKES, VR) Integrated scenario (impurity seeding, ramp up/down, RF …) : IPP, ENEA, FOM W diags : CEA, IPP W exposure to ITER like conditions (retention, damage, neutron) : FOM, IPP, IST, MHEST, OAW, TEKES, VR W coatings : ENEA, IPP Melt layer : FZJ, FZK (modelling) Plasmatron Vision : First experiments on W (SCK.CEN) BS : 16.4 ppy, PS : 1.9 ppy, hardware : 120 kEuros

14E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 6 : Liquid plasma-facing components (CIEMAT, ENEA, FZK, IST) Operation with liquid metals PFCs (retention, power loads, plasma performance …) : CIEMAT, ENEA, IST Modelling : FZK BS : 1.7 ppy, PS : 0.9 ppy, hardware : 0 kEuros

15E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 7 : Expected alloys and compounds and their influence on PWI processes (CEA, FOM, FZJ, IPP, IPPLM, IST, MedC, TEKES, VR) Mixed layers analysis (composition, fuel retention …) : FZJ (W/C), IPP, IPPLM, TEKES FOM (Al for Be), IST (W and C on Be), MedC (Be/C, Be/W, Be/C/W) Modelling : FZJ (ERO for PISCES), CEA (MD on Be/W), IPP, TEKES (MD + ERO modifications) BS : 8.3 ppy, PS : 2 ppy, hardware : 10 kEuros

16E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 8 : Mitigation of disruption loads for ITER (CEA, CRPP, ENEA, FZJ, FZK, HAS, IPP, IST, UKAEA) Power loads during disruptions (including runaways) : CEA, UKAEA, ENEA, FZJ, IST, IPP Massive gas injection : CEA, CRPP, HAS, FZJ, IPP, UKAEA ECRH : ENEA, IPP Modelling : FZK (runaway), IPP (massive gas injection) BS : 6.5 ppy, PS : 1.8 ppy, hardware : 26 kEuros

17E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom TA 9 : Heat load in ITER relevant ELM scenarios (FOM, FZJ, FZK, HAS, IPP, OAW, SCK-CEN, UKAEA) ELM physics : UKAEA (filaments …), OAW (turbulent transport) RMP mitigation : FZJ, IPP (preparation for RMP coils in AUG) Pellet pacing : IPP, HAS Type III ELMs : FOM, IPP Modelling : IPP (ELM model), FZK (consistent ELM-wall modeling) Material damage : FZJ (e- beam), FZK (modelling), irradiated materials (SCK.CEN) BS : 6.6 ppy, PS : 1.6 ppy, hardware : 55 kEuros

18E. Tsitrone PWI TF meeting, 27-29/10/2008, Frascati Euratom Summary PWI TF under new EFDA : Call for participation Task agreements From now, 2 years WP WP2009 : new leadership, 9 TAs to be implemented soon Preparation for WP : starts … now ! list of priorities SEWGs (new ones ? merging ?) TAs ? estimate of ppy/hardware Your feedback is important : call / TAs / reporting chanel through contact persons