Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Welcome to the SEWG meeting on gas balance and fuel retention
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting General information TypeAssoc.ResponsibleTitle PSFZJAndrey LitnovskyInvestigations of fuel accumulation and material transport into gaps of ITER-like castellated structures BSFZJAndrey LitnovskyInvestigations of fuel accumulation and material transport into gaps of ITER-like castellated structures BSTEKESAntti HakolaCharacterisation of retention mechanisms in AUG using post mortem surface analyses PSTEKESAntti HakolaCharacterisation of retention mechanisms in AUG using post mortem surface analysis BSFZJAndras KirschnerFuel retention for ITER BSFZJArkadi KreterJoint TEXTOR, MAGNUM and PISCES experiments on retention in W and mixed W/C systems PSFZJArkadi KreterJoint TEXTOR, MAGNUM and PISCES experiments on retention in W and mixed W/C systems BSCEABernard PegourieClosing the D balance in Tore supra from particle balance and post mortem analysis (DITS project) PSCEABernard PegouriéCoordinated post mortem analysis of Tore Supra samples (DITS project) BSCEAEmmanuelle TsitroneScaling of fuel retention in Tore Supra as a function of Padd (ICRH vs LH) and Te (impurity seeding) BSMEdCCristian RusetProviding W coated CFC samples for fuel retention measurements PSFOM_RijnhuizenGregory TemmermanH-retention in W and mixed systems exposed to high stationary and transient fluxes BSMEdCIon TiseanuX-ray micro-tomography studies CFC samples for porosity network characterization PSMEdCIon TiseanuX-ray micro-tomography studies CFC samples for porosity network characterization BSVRMarek RubelCharacterisation of retention mechanisms using particle balance and post mortem analysis PSIPPJoachim RothMulti machine scaling of fuel retention for ITER (AUG, TS, TEXTOR BSFOM_RijnhuizenJuergen RappH-retention in W and mixed systems exposed to high stationary and transient fluxes in Pilot/Magnum PSIPPKarl ErtlFuel retention in W as function of dpa level of radiation damage PSFZJAndras KirschnerFuel retention for ITER PSIPPKarl KriegerRetention in Be/C/W/mixed materials BSIPPKarl KriegerRetention in Be/C/W/mixed materials BSIPPKazuyoshi SugiyamaContribution of wall conditioning (boron) on the retention in the full-W devices ASDEX Upgrade PSIPPKazuyoshi SugiyamaRetention in a full W environment for different regimes PSIPPKlaus SchmidLeadership SEWG Gas Balance and Fuel Retention BSIPPMatej MayerPost-mortem analysis of PFCs at ASDEX Upgrade PSIPPThomas HaertlGas balance measurements in AUG BSMHST_SloveniaVincenc NemanicDeuterium retention and release from Be and W surfaces PSMHST_SloveniaPrimoz PeliconDistribution of retained deuterium accessed by micro-NRA BSIPPVolker RohdeGas balance measurements in AUG PSVRMarek RubelCharacterisation of retention mechanisms using particle balance and post mortem analysis. Currently this SEWG is mostly machine oriented Very little on fundamental retention mechanisms Is this good? Should the focus be changed in the future?
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Some statistics Work done by 8 associations 15 Baseline support tasks 15 Priority support tasks
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Required reports Baseline & Priority support tasks: October 2010: Annual meeting of the EU TF on PWI Presentation of the SEWG activities 2010 by the SEWG leaders Supply a couple of slides presenting your 2010 work by September Priority support tasks: A written report on the 2010 activities within your EFDA task Individual contributions should be sent to me by November
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Meeting goals 1.) Present current status of the individual EFDA tasks 2.) Identify problems or shortcomings in current tasks 3.) Propose new points of interest that may require additional research
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Agenda TimeSpeakerTaskTopic July 19 13:00 – 13:30K. Schmid01-00Welcome and Introduction 13:30 – 13:50A. Litnovsky02-02 Investigations of fuel accumulation and material transport into gaps of ITER-like castellated structures 13:50 – 14:10G. Temmerman 01-01, 02 H-retention in W and mixed systems exposed to high stationary and transient fluxes 14:10 – 14:30Th. Haertl ,07 Gas balance measurements in AUG 14:30 – 14:50K. Ertl01-08Fuel retention in W as function of dpa level of radiation damage 14:50 – 15:10V. Philips01-01Joint TEXTOR, MAGNUM and PISCES experiments on retention in W and mixed W/C systems 15:10 – 15:30COFFEE 15:30 – 15:50E. Tsitrone02-02Coordinated post mortem analysis of Tore Supra samples (DITS project) 15:50 – 16:10A. Kirschner 01-03, 04 Fuel retention for ITER (Remote) 16:10 – 16:30 J. Roth 01-01Multi machine scaling of fuel retention for ITER 17:00ADJOURN
K. Schmid, SEWG meeting Agenda July 20 9:00 – 9:40K. Sugiyama01-02,03,04,05Contribution of Boron to retention in AUG Retention in a full W environment for different regimes Retention in Be/C/W/mixed materials 9:40 – 10:00C. Ruset01-01Providing W coated CFC samples for fuel retention measurements 10:00 – 10:20I. Tiseanu02-01, 02X-ray micro-tomography studies CFC samples for porosity network characterization 10:20-10:40COFFEE 10:40-11:00P. Pelicon02-01Distribution of retained deuterium accessed by micro-NRA 11:00-11:20A. Hakola02-01, 02Characterization of retention mechanisms in AUG using post mortem surface analyses 11:20 – 11:40V. Nemanic02-04Deuterium retention and release from Be and W surfaces 11:30-13:00Lunch 13:00-13:20R. NeuEU PWI Taskforce Work program :20-14:30K. SchmidFinal discussion/conclusions 14:30 End