Step1.discovering useful words and expressions “multicultural” the word means many different cultural 多种 / 多边文化的 multi=many Let’s guess the meaning of.


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Presentation transcript:

Step1.discovering useful words and expressions “multicultural” the word means many different cultural 多种 / 多边文化的 multi=many Let’s guess the meaning of the words in the two boxes,then figure out a few more words that you can add to each box

1.Canada is a multicultural country like China. 加拿大像中国一样是一 个多元化国家。 multi- 是一个前缀,意为 “ 多 ” multistory ____________ multiform ____________ multichannel ____________________ multipurpose __________ 多层的 多种形式的 多通话线路的, 多波段的 多种用途的

多党的 _____________ 多国的、多民族的 __________ 多向的 ________________ 多彩的,彩色的 ____________ 多媒体 __________ multiparty multinational multidirectional multicolored multimedia

Multi=manymeanings multicolored Multichannel Multiform Multinational Multistory multimedia Multitrack Multifaith multimember Made of many tracks (e.g. Railways and tapes) Including many religions/faiths Made of many member /people (e.g. committees and organizations) Made of many colors Having many channels Existing in many forms Including many nations Having many stories Using many media (e.g. TV, radio, and CD)

2. Li Daiyu and her cousin Liu Qian were on a trip to Canada to visit their cousins on the Atlantic coast. 李黛予和 她的表妹刘倩去加拿大大西洋海岸看望她 们的表兄妹们。 trip: usually short journey, esp. for pleasure ( 通常指短途的 ) 行走,旅行(尤 指娱乐性的) 与 trip 搭配的主要动词和介词: be on a trip to make a trip to take a trip to

海滨之行 __________________ 前往巴黎的蜜月之旅 __________________________ 他出差在外。 He is _____________________. 我父亲下礼拜要到纽约去。 My father will _____________________ next week. a trip to the seaside a honeymoon trip to Paris on a business trip make a trip to New York

3. Rather than take the aeroplane all the way, they decided to fly from China to Vancouver and to take the train from west to east across Canada in September. rather than (prep.): in preference to (sb/sth); instead of 与其(某人 / 某 物) ; 不愿 ; 不要

他不愿惹麻烦, 宁可离去. _______________________, he left. 我想喝柠檬汁, 不想喝可乐. I’ll ___________________________. 他正忙于写信而不是读报. He was busy __________________ __________________________. Rather than cause trouble have a lemonade rather than a coke writing a letter rather than reading a newspaper

4. It is the second biggest country in the world and as you go eastward, you will see mountains, and pass by thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities. 它是 世界第二大国家, 当你一路向东行时, 除了城市你还 会看到山脉, 会经过上千个湖泊, 森林, 大河等以及城 市. eastward 也作 eastwards, 副词, 意为 “ 向东 ” -ward(s)=in a direction 向前 ___________ 向后 __________ 向外 ___________ 向南 __________ 向西 ___________ 向北 __________ forward(s) backward(s) northward(s) outward(s) southward(s) westward(s)

他们向东航行。 __________________. 我们难以决定是向东走还是向西走。 We couldn’t decide ______________ ___________________. They sailed eastward whether to go eastward or westward

-ward(s) = in the direction meanings forwards Eastwards Westwards Southwards Backwards Outwards Ahead, to the front To the east To the west To the south To the rear,to the back Out, in a direction To the north To the inside In a direction to Northwards Inwards towards

thousands of 成千上万的 注意: million, billion, thousand, hundred, score, dozen 之前有确定的 数字时,不论后面是有无 of, 词尾都不 加 s. 如果前面没有确定的数字而后接 of 时,词尾都加 s. 300 名学生 ____________________ 这些鸡蛋里的 3 打 _______________________ 几打鸡蛋 _______________ three hundred students three dozen of these eggs dozens of eggs

5. Many people think it is the most beautiful city in Canada, as it is surrounded by mountains on the north and east and the Pacific. 许多 人都认为温哥华是加拿大最美丽的城 市,因为它的北面和东面都被大山包 围。 surround vt. 包围,环绕,围绕 surround sb/sth with sb/sth sth/sb be sourrounded by/with sth

篱笆环绕着学校。 _____________________________. 他们出动了军队包围了该城。 _____________________________ ____________. 房子的四周有高墙。 ______________________________ ______. The fence surrounds the school They have surrounded the town with troops The house is surrounded by high walls

6. On the coast north of Vancouver some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world still remain. 温哥华以北的海岸依然生长着 世界上最古老,最美丽的森林。 north of = to the north 表示 “ 在 …… 的北方 ” ,其他方位词,如: east, west, south, southeast, northeast 等,都有类似的用法。 他住在洛杉矶以东(的地方)。 ______________________________. He lives to the east of Los Angeles

7. That afternoon in the train the cousins settled down in their seats. 那天下午表姐 妹俩才在火车上落了座。 settle down 安稳坐下,安居下来,适应起来 他爷爷手拿报纸坐在扶手椅里。 His grandfather ______________________ _____________with a newspaper. 你适应新工作了吗? ____________________________________? settled down in the armchair Have you settled down in your new job yet

8. Many of them have a gift for working with animals and they can win thousands of dollars in prizes. 他们中许 多人都有与兽共舞的才能,他们能赢得几 千美元的奖金。 have a gift for 在 ….. 方面有天分;有天赋 她对学语言有天赋。 __________________________________ 好像他对音乐有些天赋。 __________________________________ she has a gift for learning languages. It seems he has a gift for music.

2.Look at the reading passage again to find words and expressions that mean the same Extremely Have a gif for Settle down Coast Surround Harbor Figure out Port within

3.Fill in the blanks with some of the words and expressions from the reading 1. figure out 2. harbor 3. within 4. border 5. a gift for 6. settle down 7.surrounded 8. extremely

step 2 talking Using the information and at least 10 words from the reading passage,make a dialogue between Li Daiyu and Liu Qiu about what they have seen and done on their trip.use at least three sentences for each person. The first one has been done for you.

Sample dialogue LIDAYU: What did you like best on the trio from Vancouver to Toronto? LIDAYU: My favorite part was seeing the grizzly bear in the mountains. LIDAYU: LIDAYU: I liked the mountains too. They’re really wild scenery. LIU QIAN: What did you think of the center where they grow all that wheat on the big farms ? LIDAYU: Actually,I thought it was fairly dull –the Great Lakes we saw later were more beautiful. LIU QIAN: Me too. The busy port Thunder Bay was pretty interesting. I was surprised that the ships can come that far into the country. LIDAYU: In fact, what I liked best was that we slept on the train. LIU QIAN: But few didn’t see many of the forests !

Step 2 Discovering useful structures Find 3 examples from the reading passage. 1.The idea that they would cross the whole continent was exciting. 2.The idea that you can cross Canada in less than 5 days is just wrong. 3.The fact that ocean ships can go there surprises many people. the Noun Clause can be used as an appositive 同位语从句

Exercise 2 The possibility that the weather in winter would be warmer pleased the Canadian. The idea that there will be an earthquake terrifies many people. The hope that we could go to France was exciting. The fact that more and more people settle down in Canada surprises me. The belief that the world is flat is not scientific. Pair work

1. His suggestion that we should take the train from the west to east across Canada sounds very exciting. 2. The idea that they would clone the first human being surprised many people at the meeting. 3. He broke the rule that no one is allowed to smoke on the campus. 4. The Chinese basketball fans were wild with joy when they heard the news that Yao Ming had collected forty points for the Houston Rockets in the game. Exercises (5 minutes) Finish exercise 1 on page 71

5. Mary left a message with me for you that she won’t be able to see you off this afternoon. 6. There is no doubt that he is the right person for this job. 7. In the letter he expressed the hope that he would come and visit China again. 8. The captain gave the order that all the soldiers had to reach the village before dawn. 9. Not everyone present agrees to his thought that it is impossible to finish the work before the end of his month.

What kind of noun clauses are they? 1. What it was to become was a mystery. 2. I don’t know who will help Henry to win the bet. 3. His trouble is that he doesn’t know anybody in London. 4. The fact that ships can go there surprises many people. 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 brainstorming (2m)

noun clauses subjective clause 主语从句 objective clause 宾语从句 predicative clause 表语从句 appositive clause 同位语从句

Notes 一、同位语从句的概念 二、同位语从句的引导词 三、其后常用同位语从句的名词 四、同位语从句与定语从句的区别

同位语从句,即从句在句中作主语或宾语的同 位语,是对句子主语或宾语的解释、说明。 e.g. We heard the news that our team had won. The fact that the transport of the goods costs too much was not discussed. Sydney kept his promise that he would always do anything he could for Lucie to make sure of her happiness.

同位语从句的引导词常用 that, wh-, how 等。 e.g. I have no idea when he will be back. how he can get the treasure. where the concert will be hold. who can finish the work. why it happened. which pen is mine. what we should do next. whom they are talking about. whether it’ll rain tomorrow. that our football team won the game.

其后常用同位语从句的名词主要是抽象名词,如: belief, doubt, fact, hope, idea, news, possibility, thought, message, problem, promise, 等等。

同位语从句与定语从句的区别 一、比较: The suggestion that we discuss the problem all over again is a good one. 同位语从句: 定语从句 : The suggestion that he gave at the meeting was a good one. What is the suggestion? The suggestion is that we discuss the problem all over again. Which suggestion was a good one? The suggestion that he gave at the meeting.

二、区别 1 、 同位语从句是对前面的名词作进一步解释、 说明它是什么、是谁; that 不充当句子成份。 2 、 定语从句是修饰前面的先行词; that 在句 中充当主语或宾语,有实际意义。

例 1 : Information has been put forward ____ more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities.(NMET2001 上海 ) A. while B. that C. when D. as 析:答案为 B 。 more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities 是 Information 的内容,且 Information 不在从句中作成分,所以该句为 同位语从句。应将该句区别于: It is said that more middle school graduates will be admitted into universities , this is the information ____ has been put forward. A.what B. that C. when D. as 析:答案为 B 。 that has been put forward 为 information 的修饰性定语,且 information 在从句中作主语,所以该句为定语从句。 例 2 : She heard a terrible noise,____ brought her heart into her mouth.(MET91) A. it B. which C. this D. that 析:答案为 B 。分析语境含义、句子结构和句子成分可知,该句为非限制性 定语从句,先行词为 a terrible noise ,且它在从句中作主语。应将该句区别于: I can't stand the terrible noise ____ she is crying loudly. A. it B. which C. this D. that 析:答案为 D 。 she is crying loudly 是 the terrible noise 的内容,且 the terrible noise 不在从句中作成分,所以该句为同位语从句。

巩固性练习: 1.The fact ____ she works hard is well known to us all. A. that B. what C. why D. which 2.The fact ____ he was successful proves his ability. A. that B. what C. which D. why 3.The news ____ he was kidnapped surprised us greatly. A. what B. that C. why D. when 4.His suggestion ____ the meeting be delayed was turned down. A. which B. that C./ D. it 5.I have no idea ____ he will start. A. when B. that C. what D./ 6.I've come from the government with a message ____ the meeting won't be held tomorrow. A. if B. that C. whether D. which 7.The thought ____ he might fail in the exam worried him. A. when B. which C. what D. that 8.The order ____ the prisoner be set free arrived too late. A. which B. whether C. that D. what

9.The nurses are trying their best to reduce the patient's fear ____ he would die of the disease. A. that B. as C. of which D. which 10.He often asked me the question ____ the work was worth doing. A. whether B. where C. that D. when 11. Along with the letter was his promise ____ he would visit me this coming Christmas.(2004 上海春季高考 ) A. which B. that C. what D. whether 12. The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at ____ I thought was a dangerous speed. (2004 上海春季高考 ) A. as B. which C. what D. that 13. Luckily, we’d brought a road map without ____ we would have lost our way. (2004 北京春季高考 ) A. it B. that C. this D. which 14.There are signs ____ restaurants are becoming more popular with families. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose (2000.6) 15. We can see the same signs ____ stand out throughout the city. A. that B. which C. in which D. whose (2000.6) Keys: 1-5 AABBA 6-10 BDCAA BBDAA