Introduction to the Nervous System
Multipolar neuron Axon Glial Cells Nucleus Nucleolus Dendrite Axon Hillock Cell body
Schwann cell/Oligodendrocyte
Figure A longitudinal section of axons Node of Ranvier Schwann cell Axon
Cross section of a nerve
Cross section of a nerve 40X Epineurium Perineurium Endoneurium Bundle of axons
Figure Cross section of a nerve 400X Epineurium Perineurium Endoneurium Axon
Longitudinal section of unmyelinated nerve
Spinal cord cross section
Cross section of the spinal cord Posterior Gray Horn Lateral Gray Horn Anterior Gray Horn Central Canal
Cross section of the spinal cord Posterior White Column Lateral White Column Anterior White Column Gray Commisure
Motor neurons from the spinal cord Neuroglial cells Dendrite Nucleus
Axon Terminal Dendrite Axon Mitochondria Myelin Sheeth Nucleus Axon Myelin Sheeth Neuron Model with Schwann cells
Figure 9.3: Structure of a myelinated neuron Axolema (Axon cell membrane) Nissel Bodies Neurofibrils Nucleus of the neuron Nucleolus of the neuron