Learning Objectives ActivitiesResourcesLearning Outcomes 1. To understand the main features of life as a Pirate of the Americas. 2. To make links and connections between similarities and differences to the movie Pirates of the Caribbean. 1.Watch any clip of Pirates of Caribbean. Explain this is the Pirates of the Americas 2.Explain objectives 3.Recap prior knowledge in Pyramid of Facts. Get them to think about which facts most important to go on the top of the pyramid. 4.Explain success criteria 5.The Big Picture. Who was Blackbeard? Did he just have a Blackbeard? 6.Source work based on pictures of Blackbeard 7.Where did Blackbeard Raid, based on the picture of the map and then reading the statement and putting in the names of the missing countries. Then click on next screen. What can they remember about the voyage 8.Allow them to read the facts and then from memory draw pictures of what he liked. 9.Arrange events of his life in chronological order, either by numbering the sheet or putting points down in books. 10.Look at the picture of the attack on Tortuga. Do an empathy exercise. 11.Read fact sheets about Blackbeard and life in the Americas. Pick out any facts that are similar or different to the film clip you saw at the start. Some activities can be dropped to make this one lesson, or it can be done over two Powerpoint, Pirates(8) Blackbeard 1.All learners should be able to explain what Blackbeard looked like and why many features were the same. 2.Most learners will be able to give some events in Blackbeard’s life. 3.Some learners will be able to offer explanations as to the reasons for similarities and differences with the film Pirates of the Caribbean.
Academic Year:2011 Term: Autumn Week beginning:= 17 th Oct Teacher: SPF Class: 7G2 Title of Unit: Pirates Lesson; Blackbeard Framework Tags Thinking Skills Assessment for Learning Collaborative Problem Solving Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic ☺ Individual Group Paired ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ Specific Learner information: SEN Daniel Bennett, Courtney Crawford, Ryan Forth, Andrew Hodgeson, Tony Kellett, Jack McKenzie, Kieran Douthwaite, Chloe Sanderson, Rhys Snaith, Joshua Weeks G&T; Prepare for Learning Switch On! Focus on Goals What’s NewConstruct Activity - The Search for Meaning Show what you know! Review Step back and reflect on your Learning Blackbeard Horrible Histories video. Learners make a note of one fact that they can learn See objectives Exploring information on Blackbeard, was there more too him than simply his black beard Learners describe Blackbeard’s appearance based on the secodary picture. This is compared with other pictures of Blackbeard Encouraged to fill in the gaps with key words. Facts around the room Second video clip... First paragraph of famous pirates describe... Best fact game on Blackbeard...
The Pirates of the Americas There were pirates all along the coast of America. To the north was Blackbeard
All of us will know what Blackbeard might have looked like ? Most of us will know some of the main events in Blackbeard’s life. Some of us will be able to compare life in the Americas with modern films to examine accuracy.
Describe what I looked like. A picture drawn in 2004 by a British artist
What are the similarities in this picture ? Why do you think there are so many similarities?
What are the similarities in this picture ? A picture drawn at the time of Blackbeard by a fellow pirate.
Where did I raid ? What can’t you tell from me map matey ???
In the 1600s I left my home in England. I sailed south until I reached the coast of _ _ a _ _ _ I then followed the coast of till I got to _ p _ _ _ I then sailed west. I stopped at the First big island I reached. It was the largest island in with lots of other islands. The island was _ a _ a _ _ _ After we lived here for a while some of us sailed due south and started to live on another island. We called ourselves buccaneers. The rulers of these islands did not like us. They tried to stop selling us meat so we would starve. When they did this we decided to become pirates. We started attacking _ p _ _ _ _ _ treasure ships going back to Spain with gold. Not all of us were pirates all of the time. Sometimes the English paid us money to attack the Spanish. One of the most famous buccaneer pirates to do this was Henry Morgan. Morgan attacked and captured the Spanish towns of Portobello and Panama. He was so good he was knighted by King C _ _ _ _ _ _ II of England. Missing Words; France, Spain, Jamaica, Spanish, Charles II 1)Fill in the gaps 2)Write down 3 facts about Blackbeard.
Use the information around the room to find out more information about Black Beard. It might be a good idea to work with a partner and share the workload...
Black Beard
What can you learn from the video clip about Blackbeard?
Describe famous pirates of the Americas (4) Success Criteria... 3 facts linked Leave a gap 3 facts linked. (TTSs will try for more than 3 facts in each paragraph)
In the 1600s I left my home in England. I sailed south until I reached the coast of _ _ a _ _ _ I then followed the coast of till I got to _ p _ _ _ I then sailed west. I stopped at the First big island I reached. It was the largest island in with lots of other islands. The island was _ a _ a _ _ _ After we lived here for a while some of us sailed due south and started to live on another island. We called ourselves buccaneers. The rulers of these islands did not like us. They tried to stop selling us meat so we would starve. When they did this we decided to become pirates. We started attacking _ p _ _ _ _ _ treasure ships going back to Spain with gold. Not all of us were pirates all of the time. Sometimes the English paid us money to attack the Spanish. One of the most famous buccaneer pirates to do this was Henry Morgan. Morgan attacked and captured the Spanish towns of Portobello and Panama. He was so good he was knighted by King C _ _ _ _ _ _ II of England. Missing Words; France, Spain, Jamaica, Spanish, Charles II
Black Beard
Born: 1680 Died: 22 November 1718 : 37 BIRTHPLACE: Bristol OCCUPATION: Privateer-turned-bucaneer MEASUREMENTS: 6-feet, 5 inches, 220 pounds. MARITAL STATUS: Married 14 times. Never divorced. YOUR FIRST RAID: She was a fast sloop, Dutch-built to last, with a line on her to die for. I took her off the tip of Tortuga. You always remember your first prize. FAVOURITE PIRATE SHIP: The Queen Anne’s Revenge LIKES: Doubloons ( Spanish money ) DISLIKES: Leaky ships, Spaniards. FAVORITE QUOTE: "Only the devil and I know the whereabouts of my treasure, and the one of us who lives the longest should take it all." HOBBIES: It's more of game, you might say. Me and my mates close all the hatches in the hold, ignite some sulfur and black powder and see who can stand the smokey hell the longest. FAVORITE DRINK: British Virgin rum. Laced with gunpowder and set ablaze when I'm feeling a little nutty. FAVORITE FOOD: Salmagundi, a seafood stew made of lobster, shrimp, scallops and whatever fresh fish is available. FAVORITE VACATION SPOT: New Providence (Nassau) YOUR HERO: Capt. Benjamin Hornigold, joined his crew in 1716
Blackbeard’s Code of Conduct Life aboard ship was like school. There was good discipline. The code of conduct below was the code that Blackbeard lived by. 1. Every man shall obey my Command; the Captain shall have one full share and an extra half of all Prizes; 2. If any man shall offer to run away, or keep any Secret from the Company, he shall be marroon'd with one Bottle of Powder, one Bottle of Water, one small Arm and shot. 3. If anyone shall steel any Thing in the Company, or game, to the Value of a Piece of Eight, he shall be marroon'd or shot. 4. If at any Time we should meet another Marrooner (that is Pyrate) that Man can join us 5. If any Man shall lose a Joint in time of an fight he shall have 400 pieces of Eight; if a limb If at any time you meet with a prudent Woman, and a Man offers to have an affair with her, without her agreeing, he shall suffer present Death.
Blunderbuss: A gun that fired a scatter shot, (bullets spread all over in one go. ) much like a sawed-off shotgun. The heavy wooden butt could also be used as a weapon. Pistol: When the trigger is pulled, it starts off sparks that ignite priming powder in the pan. Flame from the powder flashes inside the barrel. When the main charge explodes, it forces the ball, held into place by wadding until this point, out of the barrel. Cutlass: A short broad sword usually with a curved blade and one cutting edge. It was suited for close, cramped conditions aboard ships where longer stabbing swords would be difficult to use. Knife: Usually short and sharp, they were used for fighting and cutting rope. Grappling hook: Tied to one end of a rope and used to pull another ship closer to be boarded