DECIDOUS FOREST Decidous forest: are dominated by Decidous trees. These trees shed their leaves each year and re grow them. These biomes usually have rich, moist soil and about 40 inches of rain each year. In spring and summer tree leaves shade the forest floor. This is a very friendly type of environment for many types of plants.
Decidous Forest Trees and animals animals: earthworms and insects to songbirds, deer, foxes, frogs rabbits and bears. Climate: Warm, wet summers And cold winters. Trees: maples and oaks Plants: ferns, shrubs and mosses
TROPICAL RAIN FOREST Tropical rain forest: Is hot and wet all year. The trees grow very tall and their leaves stay green all year long. Location: They are found near or at the equator. Hawaii and Costa Rica Temperatures stay around 80 F both day and night all year long. Annual rainfall averages 100 to 200 inches and fall throughout the year..
Tropical Rain Forest Animals Tropical Rain Forest Trees: Trees: Grow tall and their leaves stay green all year long. Many plants and animals live in the canopy. Here flowers find sunlight. Tropical Rainforest Animals: toucan, monkey, snake, moth and butterflies.
Coastal Forest Coastal forest have several names: Scrubland or chaparral. This type of forest is cool and moist in winter and hot and dry in summer. Most scrublands average around ten inches of rain per year, and almost all of it falls during winter months. Animals found on coastal forest: deer
Coniferous Forest Coniferous Forest: are made up mostly of cone-bearing trees. Coniferous forest are divided into two types: (A)Temperate forest: grow in mild climate, usually along coast-lines. Some examples of this type of forest has the giant sequoia trees in the Northern United States.
Coniferous Forest The boreal forest: cover the northern regions of the world, where summer is short and winter is long. Some examples of trees found in this type of forest are: Pine, spruce, hemlock and fir trees thrive in the boreal forest. Animals found on this type of forest: Moose, elk, deer and migratory birds.