W HAT IS A V ERB ? A single verb may be composed of more than one word. Jill was running. Negatives are not part of the verb I will not buy the paper. When a subject performs two or more separate actions, you have a compound verb Joyce hacked and slashed her way out of the forest. However, what are the different types of verbs?
A CTION V ERBS There are two types of action verbs Transitive Verb Intransitive Verb
A CTION V ERBS Transitive Verb Transmit an action from the actor to the receiver, or direct object. In this kind of sentence, someone (or something) does something to someone or something. Noah hit his sister. She was kicking the ball. He recited the poem. I call your name.
A CTION V ERBS Intransitive Verb Expresses an action that is not transmitted to an object. This verb does not need a direct object. It expresses an action without a receiver. Daisy laughed. Robert screamed for help. They wept.
L INKING V ERB A linking verb links the subject of the sentence with a complement. A complement is a word on the other side of the web that gives you more information about the subject itself. A complement could be another noun or a modifier. Another noun, which identifies or renames the subject. David is her cousin. Ben was the captain of the water polo team. A modifier, which describes the subject (adjective). Eddie looks sad. Claudia is brilliant in math. That cantaloupe tastes delicious.
P HRASAL V ERB (T HE MOST DIFFICULT )— UNDERLINED IS THE PHRASAL VERB. Sometimes verb can pair up with a preposition, an adverb or a preposition and an adverb.. This is called a phrasal verb because the verb stem itself consists of two or more words, making it a phrase. The kids turned out the lights, switched off the radio, clicked on the television and picked out a video. “Well,” said Mom, “at least they are not running up the phone bill.” Dad laughed. “You are putting me on, right?” “I would not rule out that possibility,” smiled Mom.
S UMMARY OF V ERBS Types of Verbs Action Verbs Transitive Verb Intransitive Verb Linking Verbs Phrasal Verbs