Uganda has a predominantly young population Over 50% are under 15 years. One in every three Ugandans is a young person. Half of the population is sexually active by age 17, either voluntarily or involuntarily
Youth are expected to have Robust Health i.e. no childhood diseases, no susceptibility to the ailments of old age. HOWEVER ; Reproductive health and psycho-social challenges common and have more devastating effects.
Reproductive health amongst Ugandan adolescents is mostly affected by ; Social factors Economical needs Cultural issues- myths, cultural practices…
Teen pregnancy ; Rates are still high at approximately 31%. Contributes significantly to the high MMR and HIV prevalence.
Adolescent Friendly Service Programs Adolescent knowledge, attitudes and practices. Empower adolescents to deal with reproductive health challenges. The Young Adults clinic at the Infectious Diseases Institute (Transition Clinic) is such an example.
With over 700 young adults recruited we offer: Reproductive health service education and delivery Formal education Financial development training. Peer involvement is highly encouraged