Air Pollution
Three Big Ideas 1.Outdoor air pollution, in the forms of industrial smog, photochemical smog, and acid deposition, and indoor air pollution are serious global problems. 2.Each year, at least 2.4 million people die prematurely from the effects of air pollution; indoor air pollution, primarily in less-developed countries, causes about two-thirds of those deaths. 3.We need to put our primary emphasis on preventing outdoor and indoor air pollution throughout the world.
True or False? Place T next to those statement that are true and a F for statements that are false. 1.____Air pollution can enter our lungs and over time can harm our lungs. 2.____A 3% to 5% reduction in the earth’s protective ozone layer is detected each year. 3.____Some of the sources of VOCs in Santa Clara County are oil and gas production and household products. 4.____Ozone pollution only occurs in large cities like Los Angeles. 5.____Each day, an adult breathes about 35 pounds of air! 6.____Air pollution only harms people with illnesses like asthma. 7.____There is “good” ozone and “bad” ozone. 8.____Air pollution is more of a problem during the winter months. 9.____Some of the producers of nitrogen oxides in Santa Clara County are power plants and cars. 10.____Ozone pollution is directly released by several sources around Santa Clara County.
The answers 1.__ T __Air pollution can enter our lungs and over time can harm our lungs. Small particles of pollution can get trapped in your lungs and make conditions such as asthma worse, and even make healthy people sick. 2.__ T __ A 3% to 5% reduction in the earth’s protective ozone layer is detected each year. The ozone layer is gradually being destroyed by man-made chemicals. 3.__ T __ Some of the sources of VOCs in Santa Clara County are oil and gas production, house-hold products and vehicles. The VOCs that are sent out by oil and gas production and cars, paints and household chemicals contribute to the formation of ozone pollution. 4.__ F __ Air pollution only occurs in large cities like Los Angeles. 5.__ T __ Each day, an adult breathes about 35 pounds of air! Oxygen is the fuel all the cells and organs of our body need to function. Oxygen is taken from the air we breathe into our lungs and then is sent to the bloodstream. 6.__ F __ Air pollution only harms people with illnesses like asthma. Anyone can be affected by air pollution, even people who are considered healthy. 7.__ T __ There is “good” ozone and “bad” ozone. There are two layers of the atmosphere where ozone occurs, the layer closest to the earth is where “bad” ozone is found. 8.__ F __ Air pollution is more of a problem during the winter months. Air pollution is more a problem during the summer months when temperatures are higher because higher temperatures increase the chemical reactions. 9.__ T __ Some of the producers of nitrogen oxides in Santa Clara County are power plants and cars. Power plants and cars can send out nitrogen oxides which contribute to the formation of ozone pollution. 10.__ F __ Ozone pollution is directly released by several sources around Santa Clara County. Ozone is not made directly, but is created by a chemical reaction when certain pollutants combine and react with sunlight.
Los Angeles, CA
What Is the Nature of the Atmosphere? The two innermost layers of the atmosphere are the troposphere, which supports life, & the stratosphere, which contains the protective ozone layer.
What is Air Pollution? Concentrations of a chemical in the air high enough to harm human health
What Are the Major Outdoor Pollution Problems?
Air Pollution Comes from Natural and Human Sources Human sources: mostly in industrialized and/or urban areas (power plants, industrial facilities & motor vehicles ) Natural sources: forest fires, volcanic eruptions, wind erosion, pollen dispersal, and natural radioactivity.
Identify major molecular components of air pollution carbonsulfur uranium chlorine oxygen nitrogen hydrogen Phosphorus ozone mercury Sulfur dioxide lead oxides of nitrogen or nitrogen oxides (NO, NO2) oxides of sulfur or sulfur oxides (SO2, SO3) volatile organic compounds (compounds containing carbon which) Particulate matter Hg
Criteria Air Pollutants EPA uses six "criteria pollutants" as indicators of air quality Nitrogen Dioxide: NO 2 Ozone: ground level O 3 Carbon monoxide: CO Lead: Pb Particulate Matter: Sulfur Dioxide: SO 2 Volatile Organic Compounds: (VOCs) EPA established for each concentrations above which adverse effects on health may occur
Some Pollutants in the Atmosphere Combine to Form Other Pollutants Primary pollutants Secondary pollutants Emitted directly into the air From reactions of primary pollutants
Air Pollution Pathways
US Emissions of Six Major Air Pollutants Note that there have been significant reductions.
Smog Forms...when polluted air is stagnant (weather conditions, geographic location)
Types of Smog Smog - atmospheric pollutants combined with fog in an unhealthy or irritating mixture Two Types Sulfurous Smog / Industrial Smog / Fossil Fuels Photochemical Smog / Sunlight & Pollutants
Notes = pages 417 – 424 AND review outdoor air pollutants!