1.1 AND 1.2
NANOBACTERIA PART 1 – 10 MINUTES In groups of four read through and fill in the worksheet for part 1. Below are some terms and phrases explained that you may need to help you understand sections: internal, membrane-bound structures are organelles, like the mitochondria, Golgi body, and endoplasmic reticulum. A µm, or micrometer, is a unit of length µm = 1 mm…that’s small, eh? Inorganic molecules do not contain carbon. Organic molecules are associated with life, e.g. lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids.
NANOBACTERIA PART 2 – 10 MINUTES In the same groups of four read through and fill in the worksheet for part 2. Below are some terms and phrases explained that you may need to help you understand sections: A pathogen is a disease causing organism. Negative staining is a process in which the background is stained a darker color so that the bacteria can more easily be seen. “Bar =“ tells you how long the bar in a picture is so that you can get an idea of the size of item pictured. A nm, or nanometer, is a unit of length nm = 1 µm…that’s suuuuuuuper-small, eh? Apatite is a mineral that contains phosphate. Your bones and teeth are made of calcium phosphate, a form of apatite. Demineralization is process in which the mineral is dissolved away to see what is underneath.
NANOBACTERIA PART 3 – 10 MIN In your table/neighbor pairs read through and fill in the worksheet for part 3. Below are some terms and phrases explained that you may need to help you understand sections: Culturing bacteria involves taking a sample of bacteria and placing them on a substance that will provide them with the materials they will need to grow. See the image to the right to better understand how a 1:10 dilution works. The hypothesis, from part 1, is that nanobacteria are alive and play a role in the development of kidney stones in humans.
NANOBACTERIA PART 4 – 10 MINUTES In your table/neighbor pairs read through and fill in the worksheet for part 4. Do both the “homework” and “in class” sections.
NANOBACTERIA PART 5 – 10 MINUTES In your table/neighbor pairs read through and fill in the worksheet for part 5.
NANOBACTERIA CONCLUSION– 10 MINUTES In the same groups of four as part 2, answer the first two questions in the “Activity” box.