Who is Rosa Parks Letting us get 1 step closer to Freedom BY Aidan, Chania, Nimo, Kelsea. L
Rosa Parks with Dr. King From Google Images
About Rosa Rosa was born in Tuskegee, Alabama. She was born on February 4,1913. Her full name is Rosa Louise McCauley. She was a African American.
Why She’s Famous Rosa Parks was famous for not giving up her seat. She did this on December 1, She was arrested for not giving up her seat. At this time there was still segregation. “The bus was among the first ways there was a black world and a white world now days.
More Info Now days because of Rosa Parks standing up for what she believed in, there are many people who look up to her. She was married in 1932 to Raymond Parks. She was a streemstress until 1965,when she lost her job for having to much publicity. “I’d see the bus everyday…But to me, that was a way of life; we had no choice but to accept what was the custom.
Where it was At We Got Our Picture From Google We Got Our Info From Wikipedia, Rosa Parks Civil Rights Pioneer by Erika L. Shores and Britannica Student Encyclopedia Our Typer’s Were Kelsea And Aidan Also Our Decorator’s Made By, Aidan, Kelsea, Chania, Nimo