D EVELOPMENTS IN THE U NITED K INGDOM Regulation of Emerging Modes of Aerospace Transportation Manfred Lachs Conference McGill IASL, Montreal, Canada Professor Sa’id Mosteshar Saturday 25 May 2013 London Institute of Space Policy and Law
2 UK I NTERESTS Space policy - economic growth Early second stage market entry First UK market entrants non-UK, most likely US Divergent interest of UK & other operators
3 R ELEVANT S YSTEMS Discussion between CAA, DfT, UKSA & others Of interest are systems with wings that gain altitude by lift Sub-orbital and in airspace majority of time In summary, they use wings or lifting bodies, derive lift from atmosphere and capable of:
4 Relevant Systems …. a.Sub-orbital commercial space "passenger" flights; and b.Sub-orbital carriage of scientific payloads; c.Single stage to orbit for passengers, satellites and cargo; d.Intercontinental very high-speed transport.
5 S COPE OF R EGULATION Regulations need to cover: a.Spaceplane airworthiness; b.Airspace requirements; c.Air Traffic Management; d.Flight Operations; e.Flight Crew Licensing; f.Flight Crew and Passenger medicals; g.Requirements for spaceport operations.
6 O THER F ACTORS Value to the UK of commercial spaceplanes and related technologies Locations for a spaceport in the UK Environmental impacts of spaceplane and spaceport operations Spaceport and rocket engine test facilities, and vertical launch rockets
7 A GENCIES I NVOLVED Department for Transport, DfT, the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, BIS, and their relevant agencies, the CAA and UKSA CAA has most experience, relevant knowledge and expertise CAA Commercial Space Operations Working Group, (CSOWG)
8 F OREIGN S PACEPLANES UK permits entry into its airspace by aircraft with ICAO recognised certificate In the case of spaceplanes, with no such certificate, they can only enter UK airspace under a specific exemption Ideally, ICAO will establish and operate a process applicable to spaceplanes
R EVIEW P ROCESS CSOWG review projected to take about ten months to complete, March 2014 It will be presented to the relevant ministries and subjected to further consideration of any recommendations 9
T HE F UTURE Findings of the CSOWG on the value of commercial spaceplanes and related technologies to the UK is critical For early second stage entry, UK needs authorisation regime to provide stability without hampering development Important to engage with the European Aviation Safety Agency 10
11 Thank You Sa’id Mosteshar BSc, MSc (Econ), DPhil, Barrister, Attorney, FCA, MCIArb, FRAeS Dir +44 (0) SB +44 (0)