Jeopardy For the 8th grade English Exam
Rules Each team picks a category and the value they want the question to be worth. If answered correctly, they receive that amount of points, but if answered incorrectly, they lose that amount of points. When a team answers a question incorrectly, the following team then has a chance to steal the question for half the amount of points. If they answer it correctly, then they can receive half the points and choose another question as they would normally do. Though if they cannot answer the question it goes to the next team and this this process continues until one of the team answers it. If none of the teams are able to answer, then the next team goes. After all questions have been answered, you move to the Final Jeopardy where each team may bet as much as they want for the final question.
Categories Literary TermsPoetry TermsRegular Vocab. 10 (slide 5)10 (slide 15)10 (slide 25) 20 (slide 7)20 (slide 17)20 (slide 27) 30 (slide 9)30 (slide 19)30 (slide 29) 40 (slide 11)40 (slide 21)40 (slide 31) 50 (slide 13)50 (slide 23)50 (slide 33)
Literary Terms (10 pt) Give the definition of hyperbole and an example
Literary Terms (10 pt) A hyperbole is a figure of speech that is extravagantly exaggerated ex. I could eat a horse
Literary Terms (20 pt) What is the Cask of Amantillado’s theme?
Literary Terms (20 pt) Revenge is only successful if you can see the other person suffer
Literary Terms (30 pt) What literary term is this an example of? The spider was a massive little thing. I immediately ran out of the room once I caught a glimpse of it.
Literary Terms (30 pt) Oxymoron
Literary Term (40 pt) What are the differences between a simile and a metaphor? Give examples of each.
Literary Terms (40 pt) A simile is a piece of figurative language comparing two otherwise unalike objects with like or as. Example: “as pretty as a rainbow” A piece of figurative language in which a statement is made that says one thing is something else but literally it is not. Example: “the secret was a ticking bomb inside of me”
Literary Terms (50 pt) What is a conflict? List the different types along with their definitions and examples of each from stories read in middle school
Literary Terms (50 pt) A conflict is a problem the protagonist faces Physical: Human vs. Nature (To Build a Fire) Classical: Human vs. Human (Cask of Amontillado) Social: Human vs. Society (the Giver) Psychological: Human vs. Self (American Born Chinese)
Poetry Terms (10 pt) What is a Volta? Give an example
Poetry Terms: A sudden change of jump or change of direction with the thought or emotion in a poem Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part
Poetry Terms (20 pt) What is Terza Rima
Poetry Terms (20 pt) Stanzas are tercets 1st and 3rd lines rhyme 2nd lines rhyme with the next stanza’s 1st and 3rd line ABA BCB etc.
Poetry Terms (30 pt) What are the differences between assonance and alliteration? Give examples.
Poetry Terms (30 pt) Assonance is repetitive vowel sounds like “Macy ate Cake” Alliteration is repetitive of beginning consonant sounds like “Monkeys make mud pies”
Poetry Terms (40 pt) What is a stanza? What are all the types of stanzas? Example: line stanzas (not including a 7 line stanzas)
Poetry Terms (40 pt) A stanza is a paragraph of poetry or a set of lines Couplet, tercet, quatrain, cinquain, sestet, octet
Poetry Terms (50 pt) What are all the characters of an English Sonnet? Number of Lines Types of Stanzas Meter Rhyme Scheme Example
Poetry Terms (50 pt) Number of Lines: 14 lines Types of Stanzas: 3 quatrains, 1 couplet Meter: iambic pentameter Rhyme Scheme: ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG Example: “Since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part,” “Loving in truth,” “Shall I compare thee to a summer;s day”
Regular Vocab (10 pt) What is the definition of fetter and what part of speech is it?
Regular Vocab (10 pt) Verb. To confine, chain or shackle.
Regular Vocab (20 pt) How does impunity (mention the def.) tie into the Cask of Amontillado?
Regular Vocab (20 pt) Impunity is exemption from punishment. It relates to the Cask of Amontillado because Fortunato insulted his friend with impunity
Regular Vocab (30 pt) What is a tacit agreement? Why would you make a tacit agreement?
Regular Vocab (30 pt) A tacit agreement is an agreement that is not openly expressed. You would most likely make one when you want it to be a secret.
Regular Vocab (40 pt) Give the definition and 3 synonyms for Ambivalent NOTE: the definition can not be the same as the synonyms
Regular Vocab (40 pt) Ambivalent is uncertain about a decision Synonym: indecisive, unresolved, doubtful, hesitant, debatable
Regular Vocab (50 pt) Give the definition of abate Give three synonyms of abate Use abate in a sentence
Regular Vocab (50 pt) Abate is to lessen in force, violence, or intensity Abate: ebb, subside, relent After several hours, the storm abated.
Final Jeopardy What is the definition of arbitrate? How is Atticus an arbitrator in To Kill a Mockingbird? Who is involved when he acts as an arbitrator? Many possible answers
Final Jeopardy Arbitrate is to choose between two opposing sides. Example: In To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus is the arbitrator between Scout and Calpurnia, though he usually takes Calpurnia’s side.