Implementing BOG Waivers as Exemptions Bob Hughes Applications Support Manager North Orange County CCD
About the Presenter Higher Education Experience – 17 years Whittier College Cal Poly Pomona North Orange County Community College District Fullerton College, Cypress College, School of Cont. Ed. Banner Experience – 14 years Programming for Financial Aid (Whittier, Cal Poly Pomona) – 10 years MBA CSU Fullerton
About NOCCCD North Orange County Community College District Enrollment (Fall 2010 headcount) Fullerton College (22,354) Cypress College (15,963) SCE (16,613) BOG Waivers: 20,292
What you will learn today How NOCCCD used to award BOG Waivers (as an award) How we do it now (as an exemption) Why we made the change Step through the setup process Lessons learned
A Brief History Banner was implemented in 2001 Pre-2005: BOG waivers were processed manually. Award posted manually on RPAAWRD when completed paper app received. Spring 2005 – on-line application developed Spring 2006 – e-signature, batch posting awards, requirements See our presentation –
The Old Way Student completes on-line BOG application Data is posted to ROAUSDF; eligibility is determined Batch posting process (RORBPST) run twice daily, posts awards, requirements Nightly disbursement runs, pays enrollment fees Nightly process adjusts parking fee Run Reconciliation Reports
Online App (1)
Online App (2)
Online App (3)
Online App (4)
Online App (5)
Data stored in ROAUSDF
Batch post of Award, Docs
Population Selection
Fund Code Setup
Award Screen
Problems with awards Fees not waived (offset) until disbursement occurs Student pays “to be safe”, triggering large number of refunds Student doesn’t pay (expecting BOG), resulting in large unpaid A/R balances Student sees a BOG “award”, expects refund Phone calls to Financial Aid Tedious Reconciliation
Need to improve collections 19% increase in 2 years
The New Way Student completes on- line BOG application Data is posted to ROAUSDF; eligibility is determined Trigger inserts data into SVASFND Payment Process (SVASFND) is triggered; any future registration fees immediately offset Nightly process adjusts parking fee Future plan – use a partial exemption to offset parking; eliminate the nightly adjustment
NOCCD Gavilan Thank you to Dave Phillips Nick Yray CCCConfer Session Archive Available: 4/15/10 “BOG waivers as Exemptions with Gavilan College”
Setup Steps District Division Code Validation (GTVDICD) College Code Validation (STVCOLL) BOG Waiver Year Validation (SVVBGYR) BOG Waiver Terms Definition (SVABTRM) Exemption Authorization (TSAEXPT) Fund Management (RFRMGMT) BOGW Eligibility Type Validation (SVVELIG) BOGW Payment Options Maintenance (SVAPYMT)
Setup Steps (Cont.) BOG Income by Household Size (SVAINCR) BOG Waiver Required Documentation (SVAREQD) Residence Code Validation (STVRESD) BOG Waiver Marital Status (SVVBMTL) Term Control Form (SOATERM)
Setup is Done! Before you go live: Differences between BOG A, B, C Which ones require documentation? How will you notify re: documentation req’d? Parent signature for BOG B Dependent? Retroactive BOG Waivers Reversing BOG waivers
The BOGW Funding Form
The Result!
Populating SVASFND Manually (BOG A, BOG B) Via SVPISIR (BOG B-ISIR, BOG C) – Batch ISIR Process C3SC Use a population selection identifying all recently loaded ISIR records Manual is out of the question for us – we created an “on-insert” trigger on ROBUSDF
After Insert – Payment Process The BOG W payment process can either be called on a single student (via the options drop-down on SVASFND) or in Batch (via SVPPYMT) sv_state_aid_appl_bp.p_bogw_payment_pro cess is the name of the API We automatically call this after each insert for BOG W eligible students
Documentation Req’d
Discovered defect – documentation check box does not prevent payment We added logic in our trigger to bypass the payment process if documentation is required Also bypass BOG B for dependent students (even though BOG B is ‘unchecked’ on SVAREQD)
Lessons Learned #1 BOG W awarded after fees assessed or student becomes ineligible Apply Credits manually via TSASPAY Who has access? Typically a Bursar’s form Financial aid staff used to running ROAIMMP Run TSRCBIL (Student Billing Statement) in APPLY/CRED mode We added TSRCBIL to the nightly jobs
Lessons Learned #2 Information Change on Application Past practice was to delete the ROAUSDF record and have the student re-apply This leaves inaccurate information in SVASFND We developed another trigger to remove the SVASFND record when the ROAUSDF record is removed (as long as BOG was not paid)
Lessons Learned #3 Documentation Required – no linkage to RRAAREQ Created Argos report “BOG Docs Required”; staff create targeted announcements and e- mails (via Luminis) informing students of requirements
Lessons Learned #4 Reversing Exemptions Old process – cancel award, ROAIMMP to back out disbursement New process Eligibility override – “Not Eligible” on SVASFND Cancel award on RPAAWRD Enter a ‘D’ next to student’s exemption on TSAEXPP Enter TSASPAY to immediately reverse offsets Work closely with Bursars for TSAEXPP updates
Lessons Learned #5 Cashiering sessions not closing Bursars were unfamiliar with exemptions; we’ve never used them before Setting up the Exemptions to auto close & finalize resolved the issue
Lessons Learned #6 Exemptions are included in the Resource amount, reducing need Award posted also reduces need Result – lack of eligibility for other aid (Pell, loans, etc.) We’re still handling this on a case-by-case basis
Lessons Learned Summary 1.BOGW awarded after fees assessed 2. Information change on application 3.Documentation required 4.Reversing exemptions 5.Cashier sessions not closing 6.Exemptions reduce need
Summary How NOCCCD used to award BOG Waivers (as an award) How we do it now (as an exemption) Why we made the change Step through the setup process Lessons learned
Questions? Bob Hughes