The SUPER-SME Consortium Centre for Science, Technology, Society Studies at the Institute of Philosophy Academy of Sciences of the Czech Rep. STSS Centre Prague, Czech Republic SUPER-SME Kick-Off: 9-10 February 2006, Metz
STSS Centre Research Topics Social and cultural context of S&T Innovation studies Science and innovation policy Knowledge and communication
EU Projects Participation 5 FP : - RECORD (Recognising Central and Eastern European Centres of RTD) - TAMI (Technology Assessment in Europe: Between Method and Impact) 6 FP: - INES (Institutionalisation of Ethics in Science Policy) - Pro-Act ( Practical Regional Innovation in Action) - SUPER-SME
NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 regions in the Czech Republic
Praha - Industry generates almost 16,5 % of the total gross value added of the region of Prague; - Services represents near 83,2 %; - Agriculture is negligible with only 0.2 % of the gross value added of the region; - High concentration of financial and other services and trade.
S&T + Innovation Actors Academy of Sciences (30 institutes) 5 major public (research) universities cca. 20 Public Research Organisations 255 (institutional) members of Association of Research Organisations (both public and private organisations doing research in some way)
Innovation and Intermediation System Prague City Development Section Centre for Regional Development CzechInvest (Investment and Business Development Agency) Prague Economic Chamber 3 Technology Centres (BIC) – (Academy, Charles University, CTU)
BRIS – Bohemian Regional Innovation Strategy project supported by City Prague/ EU in developing regional innovation strategy proposal of a business service system stemming from the needs of SMEs
SME needs access to funding (venture & seed capital, innovation angels, etc.) entrepreneurial know-how (innovation management, marketing, property rights, etc. – non-technical skills) access to international markets
SUPER-SME expectation Broadening know-how in: innovative SME needs and practices S&T- business mediating practices networking practices
STSS Centre Adolf Filáček Jiří Loudín Looking forward to collaboration