Governmental Agencies Related to Research Heather Wipijewski, CVT ALAT
Importance Important for you, as a LAC, to understand the different rules and regulations imposed on research facilities. Research facilities must abide by these rules/regulations whether at federal or state level.
NIH National Institute of Health Largest source of governmental funding for biomedical research. EPA, National Science Foundation, some state and local government agencies and private agencies, also provide grants.
AAALAC Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International. Founded in 1965 Encourages high level of animal care Facilities accredited by this agency – must meet standards Voluntary site visits and evaluations performed of facilities.
NABR National Association for Biomedical Research Represents the interests of the public and scientific community. Use of laboratory animals in research. Political lobbying
AVMA American Veterinary Medical Association Parent organization for all veterinarians State organizations sub-level such as: WVMA – Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association. Came up with AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia (formerly known as Report of the AVMA Panel on Euthanasia) Standard which all methods of euthanasia are judged.
ACLAM American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Group of DVMs who have specialized in the field of laboratory animal medicine. Board Certified – Called Diplomats
PETA People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals Against use of animals in research Animal Rights Group (extreme) Believes that if a cure was found for AIDS through animal research – they would not use those benefits since animals were tested.
USDA United States Department of Agriculture Set standards for proper animal facility operation. Site visits
IACUC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Committee which oversees and approves animal use protocols Members that must be on committee include: Laboratory Animal Veterinarian Scientist and non-scientist from facility Member of the community IACUC inspects animal facilities twice/year Informational source for personnel who have animal welfare concerns
AALAS American Association for Laboratory Animal Science National Organization for Laboratory Animal Science and those involved in Research Technician Certifications – ALAT, LAT and LATg Two publications Laboratory Animal Science and Contemporary Topics in Laboratory Animal Science
AWA Animal Welfare Act Applies to groups or institutions that sell, auction, exhibit, transport, breed or conduct research with animals Covers all warm blooded vertebrates except birds. Does not cover animals intended for food or fiber Covers all wild mammals, even wild mice and rats Does not cover domesticated mice and rats Deals with housing, feeding, watering, medical records, euthanasia, transportation, enrichment, exercise, sanitation, ventilation, separation of species and veterinary care.
The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals Booklet prepared by ILAR (Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources. The Bible of Lab Animal Medicine Outlines adequate veterinary care, facility environment and housing requirements, personnel qualifications, sanitation standards, surgical and postsurgical care, acceptable euthanasia techniques and facility construction guidelines.
GLP’s Good Laboratory Practices Apply to animal and non-animal research Funded by FDA Facilities must comply with GLP’s by Write SOP’s for all husbandry and scientific procedures Train personnel and maintain records for employees Provide proper daily care to animals House species seperately Adequate documentation
THE THREE R’S Based on ethics relating to animals used in research Developed by Russell and Burch Replacement- Use of cell/tissue cultures or mathematical models instead of animals when possible. Refinement – Refine procedures to minimize stress or pain to animals when possible Reduction – Use the minimum amount of animals.
PEOPLE IN RESEARCH PI Principal Investigator Plans and coordinates all phases of the research work Co-Investigators and Research Technicians Perform the specific research tasks required Perform lab tests Assist with preparations Collect, organize and analyze data collected Lab Animal Caretakers/Lab Animal Technicians (depends on facility for job title) Essential members of team Perform many animal care functions Control undesirable variables Feeding, watering, sanitation, etc Laboratory Animal Veterinarian Coordinates animal care and activities Advi ses invest igator s on prope r anim al mode l select ion Resp onsibl e for the overa ll maint enan ce of anim al colon y
PROTOCOL PROTOCOL Detailed description of study ANIMAL PROTOCOL Use of animals in study IACUC Reviews animal use protocol STUDY BEGINS
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