OBJECTS OF THE NATURAL SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONS BILL, 2002 Establishment of the SA Council for Natural Scientific Professions for the Registration of Professional, Candidate and Certificated Natural Scientists
Necessary to review the Natural Scientific Professions Act assented to in 1993 due to certain limitations Stipulations regarding appointment procedures of Council members in the present Act are made more transparent and flexible Developments in the tertiary education system after 1993, for example the establishment of SAQA, are now reflected in the description of the Council’s functions Certain stipulations, needed to ensure more efficient management, are added OBJECTS OF THE NATURAL SCIENTIFIC BILL 2002
Education and training in the natural sciences. Establish mechanisms for registered persons to gain recognition of their qualifications and professional status in other countries. Recognise any examination or withdraw the recognition thereof. FUNCTIONS
Enter into an agreement with any person, within or outside the republic, with regard to the recognition of any examination or qualification for the purposes of the Act. Give advice or render assistance to any educational institution, voluntary associations or examining body with regard to educational facilities for, and the training and education of, registered persons and prospective registered persons. Conduct any examination for the purposes of section 20. FUNCTIONS
Receives funds largely through registration and annual subscription fees of members. Remuneration of council members, committee members and officials. Fund for the purpose of education and training The Minister may with the concurrence of the Minister of Finance and on request of the council advance or grant to the council, money appropriated by Parliament. FUNDING
Three categories of registration viz; professional natural scientist, candidate natural scientist and certificated natural scientist. Decide on any application for registration as well as the period of validity of registration and fees. Decide on register, keep a register of registered persons, update this register, amend the register, decide on the form of certificates, maintain issuing of certificates. CATEGORIES OF REGISTRATION
Agricultural Science Animal Science Biological Science Botanical Science Chemical Science Earth Science Ecological Science Environmental Science Food Science Forensic Science Forestry Science Geographical Science Geological Science Hydrological Science Industrial Science Marine Science Materials Science Mathematical Science Mathematics Education Science Metallurgical Science Microbiological Science Natural Science Education Science Physical Science Radiation Science Water Care Science Zoological Science FIELDS OF PRACTICE
Only a registered person may practice in a consulting capacity. Must be done in a prescribed manner and accompanied by a registration fee determined by the council. Persons may be registered in the 3 categories as mentioned. Applicant is informed in writing if registration is refused. REGISTRATION
May take place if the person has been erroneously registered, or registered on information proved to be false. Fails to pay prescribed fees. Registration in another category. Written request. Investigations into alleged improper conduct-no cancellation. Liable for fee for the period registered. CANCELLATION OF REGISTRATION
Submit the framework for the requirements for recognition of a voluntary association to the DG for approval. As soon as the framework is approved, the council must determine the requirements with which a voluntary association must comply for recognition by the council. RECOGNITION OF VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS
Associations that comply with the requirements will be granted a certificate of recognition-valid for 5 years but may on application be renewed for further periods of 5 years. Consult with voluntary associations regarding the identification of the type of natural scientific work which may be performed by registered persons (submitted to DG for consideration) RECOGNITION OF VOLUNTARY ASSOCIATIONS
Council The council will consist of no fewer than 20 but not more than 30 members appointed by the Minister. Not fewer than 12 and not more than 18 must be professional or certificated natural scientists. No fewer than 4 and not more than 6 must be in the service of the state. No fewer than 4 and not more than 6 must be members of the public. Term of office of Council is 4 years. A Council member may not serve for more than 2 consecutive terms of office. GOVERNANCE ISSUES
Administrative powers The council may subject to the approval of the Minister and the Minister of Finance determine the allowances payable from the funds of the council to its members and to members of any other committee of the council. Arrange for the payment of pension and other benefits to any official of the council. Funds of the council and keeping and auditing of accounts Comply with the Public Finance Management Act. GOVERNANCE ISSUES
Reports The council must within 6 months of the close of the financial year provide the Minister with a report regarding its activities during that financial year (open to inspection). Provide the department with any information regarding a registered person. Committees The council may establish any committee to assist it in the performance of its function, appoint members, determine the chairperson. GOVERNANCE ISSUES
Other departments, institutions and bodies have been consulted Grassland Society of Southern Africa Liaison Committee of Scientific Societies Concerned with Agriculture South African Society of Crop Production South African Chemical Institute South African Society for Enology and Viticulture South African Institute of Physics South African Institute of Forestry South African Society for Animal Production South African Association of Botanists South African Society for Animal Science South African Mathematical Society South African Institute of Computer Scientists CONSULTATIONS
South African Instuitute of Ecologists South African Statistical Association Southern African Society for Aquatic Scientists Southern African Weed Science Society Southern African Society for Horticultural Sciences Joint Council of Scientific Societies Joint Council of Earth Sciences Operations Research Society of South Africa Zoological Society of Southern Africa All national departments CONSULTATIONS