Breeds Of Cattle Heritage Cattle Company Express Ranches Rogers Ranch ALM Show Cattle
Objectives Identify and recognize the major breeds of cattle used in the United States today.
Group 1: English Breeds Angus, Red Angus, Hereford, Polled Hereford, Shorthorn Characteristics Moderate framed Early maturing Good mothers Easy fleshing High carcass quality Majority of US registration numbers
Angus/Red Angus Origin: Scotland Polled Black/Red First brought to the US in 1873 by George Grant Banned from the Angus herd book in 1917 created the Red Angus Association of America in 1954 American Angus Association St. Joseph, Missouri Red Angus Association of America Denton, Texas Express Ranches Six Mile Red Angus
Hereford/Polled Hereford Origin: England Horned/Polled Red white face, brisket, underline, feather, switch. May or may not on feet First imported in 1817 to Henry Clay of Kentucky however first breeding herd was established in 1840 in Albany New York American Hereford Association established in 1881 Polled Hereford registry is combined with the AHA in Kansas City Missouri American Polled Hereford Cattle Club established in 1901 by Warren Gammon after he lead an expensive search to find all the Polled Herefords in the US at the time Barber Ranch Oleen Brothers DeanaJak Farms Inc.
Shorthorn Origin: England Horned/Polled Red/Roan/White Both beef producing and Milking Shorthorns present day First imported to the US in 1783 American Shorthorn Association established in 1872 First purebred cattle used to improve the Texas Longhorn with great success thus leading to heavy importation V8 Ranch
Group 2: Continental Breeds Charolais, Chianina, Limousin, Maine Anjou, Simmental Characteristics Heavy muscled Large framed Late maturing High growth rates Low yield grades More so used as terminal sires Milk depends upon the breed
Charolais Origin: France Horned/Polled White with tan skin First imported in North America in 1937 by Jean Pugibet in Mexico. In the late 1930 made their in to the US from Pugibet’s herd. Few years later foot and mouth in Mexico slowed the importation of the breed. This forced the breed to start a breeding up program in which an animal could be bred up to 31/32 and for all intents and purposes was considered a purebred. In 1957 the American and International Associations merged into the current American and International Charolais Association. By 1964 all the Charolais based registries consolidated into one breed registry. The AICA is located in Kansas City, Missouri Double H Charolais Collins Cattle Services
Chianina Origin: Italy Horned/Polled Gray with black pigment First introduction of the breed was through imported semen. In 1973 the first Chis were imported into the US through Canada. The American Chianina Association was formed in June The association is located in Platte City, Missouri. The Chianina also crosses very well and has led to many composite breeds. The first of which was the Chiangus which began in Word Ranch Callaway Cattle Company
Limousin Origin: France Horned/Polled Red/Black Initially came to North America in 1968 into Canada then entered the US in The North American Limousin Foundation was formed in 1968 and is presently the largest Limousin association in the world. Three important traits: excellent feed efficiency, adaptability, and carcass yield. The Limousin cattle have a very high strung temperament and in 1998 the association created a temperament EPD. Lakeview Farms Mandayen Limousin Wetovick Purebreds Sandastre Lodge
Maine Anjou Origin: France Horned/Polled Red with white spotting to Black First introduction of the breed was through imported semen. In 1969 the first Maines were imported into Canada. Originally bred for dual-purpose cattle in Europe, but in the modern day US they are used primarily for beef production. They are used extensively in crossbreeding programs. Thus the Maine association started the Maine Tainer program allowing ¼ up to 5/8 to be registered. American Maine-Anjou Association was formed in 1976 and is located in Platte City, Missouri. Sunset Cattle Eagle Butte Ranch SEK Genetics
Simmental Origin: Switzerland Horned/Polled Red/Yellow/Black Spotted/Solid Coloring First introduced in 1887 and reintroduced in the late 1960s. First calf was born in 1968 from imported semen. 2 nd most populous breed in the world. Many different types of cattle around the world used for many different things. Heavy milking females, high growth rates, docile, and reach sexual maturity earlier than other continental breeds. American Simmental Association is located in Bozeman, Montana. Double R Cattle Company Ruble Cattle Services
Group 3: American Influenced Breeds Characteristics Highly fertile Adaptability Maternal instincts Easy keeping Highly disease resistant Insect resistant
Beef Master Origin: Falfurias Tx Tom Lasater Majority horned Any color traditionally red ½ Brahman ¼ Hereford ¼ Shorthorn Six Essentials - Weight, Conformation, Milking Ability, Fertility, Hardiness and Disposition. Beefmaster Breeders United was founded in 1961 and is currently located in San Antonio,Texas. Collier Farms Beefmasters
Brahman Origin: America India Typically Horned Gray/Red Black Pigment Guzerat, Gir, Nellore and Krishna make up the current American Brahman. First recorded presence in the US was in Also Dr. Barrow in 1854 and McFaddin in Very adaptable cattle that are used extensively in crossbreeding programs across the southern US. The American Brahman Breeders Association was formed in 1924 and is located in Houston, Texas. V8 Ranch J. D. Hudgins Inc. Bovine Elite Detering Red Brahmans
Brangus/Red Brangus Origin: Southern US Polled Black/Red Registration is separate 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Angus Brangus cattle were developed at the USDA Experiment Station in Jeanerette, Louisiana American Brangus Breeders Association was formed in 1949 and was later renamed the International Brangus Breeders Association. It is located in San Antonio, Texas Red Brangus cattle came from the mating of Brahman and Angus cattle. There are two breed registries for Red Brangus. The American Red Brangus Association, located in Dripping Springs, Texas, and the International Red Brangus Breeders Association, located in San Antonio, Texas. Trio Cattle Three Trees Ranch Mound Creek Ranch Trio Cattle
Santa Gertrudis Origin: Kingsville, Texas Most Horned Dark Red 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Shorthorn Developed on the King Ranch in South Texas crossing Brahman and Shorthorn cattle. Development of the breed began in 1910 when the King ranch was given a half blood bull to use on Shorthorn heifers. The resulting heifer calves were then bred back to Shorthorns. The cattlemen then realized how good the calves were then decided to systematically bred these cattle to achieve the goals they wanted. The breed was officially recognized in The Santa Gertrudis Breeders International is located in Kingsville, Texas. King Ranch Liberty Ranch
Simbrah Origin: Gulf Coast Horned/Polled Any color 3/8 Brahman 5/8 Simmental Simbrah cattle are registered with the American Simmental Association in Bozeman, Montana. Simbrah cattle are a change of pace to many of the other American influenced breeds because they are from a cross between Brahmans and a continental breed. Known for high growth, feed efficiency, and a lean carcass hanging on the rail. Also known for their maternal traits such as calving ease, and sound udders La Muneca Cattle Company
Identify the Breed Angus Express Ranches
Identify the Breed Simmental Ruble Cattle Services
Identify the Breed Beefmaster
Works Cited Oklahoma State Animal Science “Breeds of Livestock”