Alcohol and Other Drugs – Corrections Health Service Debbie Gell – Clinical Director Department of Corrections
Department of Corrections Health Services – An Overview
General Information Current Muster is: Nursing consultations: 17,500 Emergencies: 100 Reception Health Screens: 3000
Focus of Presentation What is the prevalence? How Health Services assesses people What treatment options are available Reducing Re-offending
Prevalence and Assessment 80 – 90% 90% mental health disorder Reception Health Screen Mental Health, Drug intoxication, Drug withdrawal, Past medication, Current medication, Recent GP visits, Recent hospitalisations, Recent trauma, Old trauma, Medical conditions, Suicidal thinking, Self Harm behaviour, Alcohol Intoxication, Alcohol Withdrawal, Disabilities, Pregnancy Current treatment programmes in the community (Methadone) Smoking cessation support
Initial Health Assessment Provide information about health services Check that the prisoner can understand our language Tell the prisoner about their rights Check if they have any specialist appoints Family History Mental Health Screen Drug Screen Alcohol Screen Check for: Diabetes Epilepsy Cancer Migraines Raise Blood Pressure Angina Stomach conditions Check medication Check Smoking cessation support Take their blood pressure Take temperature Take weight Take pulse Take a urine sample Support with smoking cessation Disabilities Dental problems Check for any disabilities (hearing, eyesight physical) Complete BMI Girth measurement Peak Flow measurement (if necessary Check nutritional requirements Women’s health check (smears, monograms) Check for communicable diseases (Hep B and C, HIV / Aids, Chlamydia, TB. Other sexually transmitted diseases Offer testing for Hep B and C or HIV Check past immunisations THEN Develop a plan of care for that person
ASIST TOOL Provides some real time information Provides an opportunity for education Provides clinical information to support care plan Provides information to other corrections staff
Treatment Options Brief Interventions Brief Treatment Programme Intermediate Treatment Programme Drug Treatment Units (DTU’s) Methadone Maintenance Therapy
Nicotine Assessment Treatment Options Step Down Processes Exiting Prison
Conclusion The future changes Links with community services Visits - Information Centre's Questions