Educating Iowans with a focus on youth regarding the breadth and global significance of agriculture. STEM Career Conference March 9, 2015
Goals Teach the role of agriculture’s relationship to food, fiber and energy and the environment. Connect the tools needed by educators to incorporate fact based, meaningful or interesting agricultural concepts and learning experiences to enhance their curriculum. Connect education programs to Next Generation Science Standards, Iowa Core, National Ag Literacy Outcomes and Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM). Incorporate Ag in the Classroom and other education resources. Foster hands on learning.
1)Population Increasing 2)New Generation of Agriculture 3)Job Diversity 4)Shortage of College Graduates in Agriculture 5)Industry Growth 6)Technology Advancements 7)Increased Salary 8)Rewarding Why is a career in Agriculture a good choice?
Only about 1% of population are farmers and ranchers Agriculture industry employs more than 15% of the U.S. workforce. 50,000 new employees are needed in agriculture every year Agriculture is one of the 5 highest paying degrees of 2015** Engineering – starting salary $62,998 Computer science – starting salary $61,287 Math and sciences – starting salary $56,171 Business – starting salary $51,508 Agriculture and natural resources – starting salary $51,220 Why is a career in Agriculture a good choice? **According to Jan. 31, 2015 USA Today article looking at U.S. Census data with analysis by the National Association of Colleges and Employers
- by Rachel Stine
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Hi, my name is Sarah. As an agronomist I work with producers to ensure the health of their crops. I diagnose diseases, pests, nutrient deficiencies, or other problems. Then together we figure out the best treatment to maximize yield. I use all of my education and training in plant science to help feed the growing world population which is expected to reach 9 billion by That means I have to figure out how to grow more food on the same amount of land.
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Hi, my name is Sarah. As a college student I am really interested in making a difference in the world. I’ve heard about the demand for careers in science. I’ve been interested in plants my whole life which is why I chose to major in plant science. But, I’m also learning all about the technology and engineering in plant science systems including hydroponics, computer monitored and controlled greenhouses, and even spectrograph analysis of plants to determine plant health. There is also a lot of math to determine the seed application rates, economics of planting, and even the financial and business management of a production operation.
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Hi, my name is Sarah. In high school we get to look at a lot of different plant cells and learn how they work. I learned about some of the diseases that affect crops like soybeans. Some insects like nematodes suck their food directly out of the plant cells and kill the plant. My teacher asked us to research different types of pest management. My group chose pesticides and we also learned about the engineering designs of pesticide sprayers.
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Hi, my name is Sarah. In middle school I love to read. But my favorite subject is science. We learned about water quality. We even tested some water and saw how many different things are in water. My teacher Mr. Stiles used this special sensor that plugged right into the computer. It is so much fun to use technology with science! Now when I go for a bike ride I think about how to improve the water in the river.
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Hi, my name is Sarah. I love playing outside. I really like plants. My mom let me help plant a garden. It was so much fun. Then my teacher, Ms. Altmann taught me about seeds and roots and flowers. We watched a video about how potatoes are dug up with a huge tractor. That’s a lot different from our garden. In math we learned how many potatoes can be dug in one hour. They make a lot of McDonald’s French fries!
Inspired by Borlaug His work saved more lives than any other person in history. He believed we need to encourage our best and brightest to purse a career in agriculture. Students need to experience in plant and animal science in order to purse a career in agriculture
Agricultural Engineer Design machinery and facilities such as tractors, implements, animal confinements, storage and handling facilities, irrigation and drainage systems, and soil conservation measures. Interests/Strengths: Problem solving Ingenuity Math Physics Computers ~$60,400 Annual Average Salary
Agronomist Agronomists deal with field crops and soil management. They work with farmers to make crop management decisions. Interests/Strengths: Plants & Soil Worth people Biology Chemistry Math ~$60,370 Annual Average Salary
Animal Nutritionist Animal nutritionists formulate diets for livestock, pets, and zoo animals. They work with farmers to monitor and adjust feed rations. Interests/Strengths: Animals Nutrition Biology Chemistry Math ~ $53,800 Annual Average Salary
Entomologist Entomologists are needed worldwide to help farmers and ranchers produce crops and livestock more efficiently by using sound pest management strategies. They help manage endangered species, fragile ecosystems, and the spread of serious diseases. Interests/Strengths: Insects Biology Chemistry Math ~ $53,800 Annual Average Salary
Environmental Scientist Environmental scientists protect the environment through jobs in solid and hazardous waste management, land use, and air or water quality. Interests/Strengths: Environmental Issues Outdoors Biology Chemistry Math $55,190 Annual Average Salary
Food Process Engineer Food process engineers (FPEs) research and develop new and existing products and processes. They also design processing, handling, and packaging equipment. Interests/Strengths: Food & Cooking Problem Solving Math Physics Chemistry ~$53,810 Annual Average Salary
Renewable Energy Specialist A renewable energy specialist helps ensure that we can meet the world's energy needs in the future. They create energy from the wind, biomass crops, agricultural residues, municipal wastes, or solar energy. Interests/Strengths: Problem solving Mechanics Chemistry Math ~$65,000 Annual Average Salary
Veterinarian Most veterinarians work in private practices where they diagnose, treat, and help prevent disease and disabilities in animals. Interests/Strengths: Animals People Biology Chemistry Math ~$77,710 Annual Average Salary
The STEM connection: A journey from education to career Now it’s your turn to tell Sarah’s story. What STEM concepts does she need to learn throughout school to be a: GPS/Precision agriculture specialist Plant geneticist Veterinarian Renewable fuels expert Animal nutritionist Meat processing facility manager Food scientist Agriculture journalist
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