Leading Learning and Teaching: Making Effective Use of Data 15th May 2007 Glenavon Hotel
Programme Registration (Tea/Coffee) Introduction Welcome & Context Setting Self Evaluation for Improvement Data Requirements for Inspection Tea/Coffee Case Study 1: Using Data to Inform Learning Case Study 2: Using Data to Improve Communication C2k Maximising Potential Lunch Case Study 3: Monitoring Delivery of Planned Curriculum Case Study 4:Creating the Culture The Way Forward CASS – School Development Planning DE – School Improvement Questions to the panel 1515Conference Close
Leading Learning and Teaching: Making Effective Use of Data Aims of the Conference are to: raise school leaders’ awareness of the data available in their management information systems; share with delegates how ETI utilise data in the inspection process; promote the effective use of data for self evaluation and to improve the quality of learning and teaching; share current good practice in the use of data; and provide delegates with opportunities to consider the issues raised.
“Preparing for the Future: By Examining the Past: LOOKING IN : not out” Max DuPree
A Spirit of Enquiry An Important Theme A Recurrent Theme A Timely Theme
A vital theme “Systematic data collation/analysis and USE … can lead to the improvement of education as has no other educational innovation of the last century.” McLean 1995
A challenging theme “By emphasising the sheer quality of information, the technocrats have it exactly wrong: if only we can provide greater access to more and more information for more and more individuals, we have it made. Instead what you get is information glut”. M Fullan
A complex theme DataInformationKnowledgePractitioner wisdom grounded on a mix of intuition andempirical evidence.
No limit can be set to the power of a teacher … Yet no career can so nearly approach zero in its effects! It is good because we’ve been doing it for a long time or is it good because we have tangible evidence that it works. Demythogising – identify the real problem
Decision Making based on intuition, convenience, tradition Data Driven Decision Making Budgetary decisions based on prior practice Scattered Staff Development Programmes Staff allocations based on interest and availability Staff meetings (inc. crucially SMT meetings) that focus on operations and the dissemination of information Budget Allocations … based on data informed needs Focused Staff Development as an improvement strategy to address documented needs Staff allocations based on skills needed as indicated by the data Staff meetings that focus on strategies and issues raised by the school’s data
“The collective capacity of Principal and teachers to examine student performance data, make critical sense of it in the disaggregate, develop action plans based on the data and to take action which is monitored.” M Fullan
“The technical quality of knowledge and its usability will be superficial unless it is accompanied by social and moral depth.” M Fullan