Thompson School District’s Elementary School Bully Prevention Program
Kids are at school to learn – every second spent dealing with bully problems takes away from instructional time (students and teachers) Kids need to feel safe to be able to completely focus on their studies Thompson School District’s initiative to decrease elementary level bullying
“Bullying” Issues Labeling kids Generic intervention responses Over-emphasis on student responsibility for change Non-data based intervention decisions Too much attention on student, not enough on recipients
School Counselor will present lessons to students grades 1 st to 5 th (Kindergarten will also be covered with simplified 1 st grade lessons) Students will learn skills to help address social problems and bullying Teachers and other Ponderosa staff will be present during these lessons so that they hear the same message as the students and can reinforce the skills learned
The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book is a research based curriculum that presents lessons in 6 content areas: Learning About Bullying Bully Blocker Tools Friendship Builders Problem Solving Respecting Differences Confidence Boosters
1 st to 5 th graders will receive some training and instruction in each of the content areas, with extra time being devoted to different topics each year.
Lessons consist of discussion, writing, books, art work, role plays, practice, videos and other things 30 minute lessons will be delivered weekly for ½ of the school year (1 st & 3 rd quarter for some grades and 2 nd & 4 th quarter for the remainder)
What is bullying? 1 st Grade – 5 th Grade Definition “Bullying is one-sided, intentional (on purpose) and repeated.” “Bullying is when someone hurts, leaves out, or frightens someone else.” Additional 4 th Grade – 5 th Grade Definition “Bullying is when someone purposely threatens, leaves out, ridicules, spreads rumors, or makes offensive comments to someone else.”
2 Main Types of Bullying Direct (face-to-face – pushing, hitting, name calling, etc.) In-Direct (rumors, lies, leaving people out)
“It is always OK to report bullying. Bullying should always be reported to a grown-up when: Someone is hurt or unsafe. Someone is afraid. Other plans have not worked.”
You have tried other strategies. The bullying is harmful or repeated. Go to a helpful grown-up, such as a teacher, staff member, playground aide, or principal. Calmly tell the grown-up what happened. Staff will take action and record the incident in the bully tracking book.
All students will sign a pledge stating: I agree to not BULLY other students. I will help students who are being BULLIED by speaking out and getting adult help. I will include students who are left out.
All staff will be trained in how to respond to bully situations. Staff will report bully situations and action taken in a “Bully Log Book”.
Pre/Post Tests for skills #1 & #2 Perception surveys will be given to students & staff School Wide Information System (SWIS) Data regarding bullying will be used to determine if this program effectively decreases bullying problems
Pre/Post Test Data should show an increase in skills and knowledge regarding bullying and social issues Student perceptions should show increased safety and decreased bullying at Ponderosa SWIS should show decreases in bullying, fighting and harassment As a result, students should have more “seat time” and academics should also show improvement