Jan Cramer, Marc Pessetti, Marilyn Stewart, Mark St. John and Diane Wemlinger
1) Does an increase of a teacher’s attention increase student’s attendance? 2) Will our personal intervention help students struggling with attendance? * School Improvement Goal – Climate Committee Goal- Improved attendance through developing connections between students and staff.
“When students who have been in poverty (and have succesfully made it into middle class) are asked how they made the journey, the answer nine times out of ten has to do with a relationship – a teacher, counselor, or coach who have made a suggestion or took an interest in them as individuals.” A Framework for Understanding Poverty- Ruby Payne
“Locate a resilient kid and you will also find a caring adult – or several – who has guided him/her.” Invincible Kids, U.S News and World Report “There is a higher investment in a relationship with frequent face-to-face contact.” Tim Milburn – The Art of Connecting With Students
Survey 1. I feel close to at least one adult at this school. 2.I think there is at least one adult in this building who misses me when I am absent from school. 3.I feel safe here at school. 4.I have friends here at SMS. 5.I fit in here at school. *We used students who answered false to #2 and who missed 5 or more days first quarter vs. 3 rd quarter.
88 students changed their answers to true for survey question #2 (Connectedness) 33 students days absent stayed the same. 77 students days absent improved. 44 students # of absences actually increased. BBased on our action research the improvement is only 4 students, therefore, we do not feel that the # of absences are connected to student teacher relationship.
Was there more of a connection just based on time of survey? Fall – Not enough time for connections Spring – More time to connect
We would reword our Research question ◦ Could have been connected to grades or something different. Reword our survey questions ◦ Questions may not have been worded for middle school students. Training for teachers on Research Institute for Developmental Assets. Train students and parents on the importance of attendance. ◦ This training could take place in the parent centers.