What makes a great teacher? Spring 2013 CS TA orientation
Think of a great teacher you’ve had in the past What made them great? What are your ideas?
Watch and Make a few notes What are the wrong things? What’s the “flip side” of the wrong things? “The 7 Habits of Highly Ineffective Educators”
Prepare the classroom ahead of time How you start the class Paperwork is not the most important thing Use tools Collaborative learning Sharing ideas with peers – break time Patience! What TO do!
Watch (2 minutes!) Make a few notes is it really important to being a good teacher? have you seen this / done this already? how can I apply it in the future? “How to be an excellent teacher”
Relaxed and easy-going – confidence Professional Creative Know your area Passionate about your subject Students learn at different rates Empathy – not sympathy? Encourage making mistakes “How to be a good teacher”
Set targets / goals Assess their progress Positive feedback Multisensory learning Encourage students to think for themselves continued
Patience Enthusiasm Sense of humor Well organized “Positive feedback is given in such a way that makes the kid want to try to improve any issues they have” From the comments