1.The Call to Adventure: The main character, Bruce Wayne, begins as criminal in a prison. A mysterious person by the name of Merely Ducard offers him the opportunity to come with him and learn how to serve justice. 2.Refusal of the Call: Although Bruce questions the purpose of why he in particular should fight crime, he does not hesitate to accept the opportunity. In fact, he embarks the very next day, which is when he is released from prison.
3. Supernatural Aid: A part of the instruction given to Bruce initially is to locate a rare flower near a mountain and carry it all the way to the top. Little does he know of how its powers will help him overcome his greatest fear in the future. 4. The Crossing of the First Threshold: Once Bruce has successfully reached the summit of the dangerous mountain, he is beyond the first threshold of his quest. 5. Belly of the Whale: The importance of Bruce reaching the mountaintop has not hit him yet, but nevertheless, he does not immediately return to the valley. He is essentially at the point of no return.
6. The Road of Trials: The summit of the mountain is where Bruce Wayne’s training for the League of Shadows takes place. This secret organization supposedly works to battle crime. He becomes physically and psychologically strong at this point in the journey. 7. The Meeting with the Goddess: Bruce reunites with his dear, childhood friend after 7 years of training, and there is an obvious love connection.
8. Temptation: The strongest temptation in Bruce’s life is to get revenge on those who have done him wrong. At one point, he attends a hearing in which the topic of his parents’ murder is reviewed. He then has the urge to kill the murderer on the spot in order to avenge his parents, but his self-control and morale ultimately stop him. 9. Atonement with the Father: Towards the end of his training period, Bruce finally surpasses his trainer, Merely Ducard. His use of mind trickery and swift agility to confuse his mentor show his progress and readiness for advancement.
10. Apotheosis: This is when a main character transitions somehow. At the very end of Bruce’s training, he realizes that he and his mentor do not agree on how exactly to carry out justice. Unfortunately, he is so far into the process of being a part of the League of Shadows, Bruce cannot simply cop out of the ordeal. He ends up severely injuring Ducard but does not kill him to settle the conflict. 11. The Ultimate Boon: The ultimate boon is the greatest reward of the quest. Bruce Wayne’s biggest fear stems from his childhood. While playing with Rachel one day, he fell into a deep pit, and multiple bats swarmed him while screeching loudly. Since the horrific incident, he had never gotten over the phobia until the completion of training. Bruce inhaled the grounds of the special flower and became virtually fearless.
12. Refusal of the Return: After experiencing training, Bruce knows that he must never return to his normal lifestyle. There is evil afoot, and it must be stopped. He states to his trusted butler, Alfred, while coming home from the mountain he “can’t be just a man anymore.” 13. The Magic Flight: Bruce Wayne’s main purpose in life now is to fight evil. He returns to his beloved Gotham City and takes on the secret identity of the superhero Batman. In a monomyth, there are usually hindrances that make the “Magic Flight” challenging. For example, Batman must live a double life and conquer his enemy, Scarecrow.
14. Rescue From Without: Even a hero needs help from external forces sometimes. Batman is saved more than once throughout the movie. His main savior is his butler, Alfred. On one occasion, he rescues Batman from dying in his burning mansion. Besides this, Alfred never stops believing in Bruce Wayne’s ability to make it past all obstacles. 15. The Crossing of the Return Threshold: This is marked by the struggle it takes to successfully live a double-life. When Bruce first becomes Batman, he has trouble adjusting to being secretive, especially in hiding his battle wounds. He is also accused of being too theatrical as his crime-fighting attracts media attention.
16. Master of Two Worlds: There is turning point where the protagonist finally accepts masters having to balance a normal life with the life of a hero. Batman does this when he hits his rock bottom, and Alfred encourages him to not give up. He realizes that he can save the city, and setbacks do not necessarily mean failure. 17. Freedom to Live: There comes a time in a monomyth where the hero must decide whether or not to continue their new lifestyle. He or she is also completely accustomed to the normal part of their life. Batman does in fact remain a superhero and takes over his father’s old company. By the end of the movie, Bruce Wayne is ready to take on Gotham City’s next most dangerous threat. By: Shana Hayes, Block 1