Hassan Ali F
Country Bio Critical Junctures in Chinese History The Chinese Political System Nuts & Bolts of Political System Central Party Institutions Trade Deficit between USA and China
Population: 1.3 Billion (UN census, 2004) Territory: 3.7 million square miles (a bit larger than the U.S.) Year of Independence: 221 B.C. Year of Current Constitution: 1982 Head of State: President Hu Jintao Head of Government: Premier Wen Jiabao Language: Mandarin (official language), Cantonese, Shanghaiese, other dialects, some minority languages Religion: Daoism, Buddhism, Muslim 2%-3%, Christian 1%. Note: Officially Atheist
The Qing Dynasty (1611 – 1911) First Opium War Treaty of Nanjing (1842) Second Opium War Treaty of Tianjin (1860) Boxer Rebellion First Sino – Japanese War (1898) The Republican Period (1911 – 1949) Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Three Principles of the People: 1. Nationalism 2. Democracy 3. Livelihood - Founded the Kuomingtang ▪ January 1, 1912 Chiang Kai-Shek Northern Expedition (1926) Extermination Campaign (1927) Fled to Taiwan Republic of China (Dec. 1,1949)
The Republican Period (1911 – 1949) Mao Zedong Maoism Land redistribution Guerilla warfare The Long March 6,000 mile journey Second Sino-Japanese War October 1, 1949 China Under Mao (1949 – 1976) Hundred Flowers Movement (1956) Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957) The Great Leap Forward ( ) The Cultural Revolution (1966) - Red Guards
The Reform Era (1976 – present) Deng Xiaoping - Four Modernizations - One Child Policy - Tiananmen Square (June 1998) ▪ 2K to 3K dead
Party Political Structures National Party Congress 2120 members Reviews party activities The Central Committee 198 members Directs affairs when NPC is not in session The Politburo Standing Committee The Central Committee for Discipline Ensures party loyalty 2004: 160k members disciplined
Government Structures National People’s Congress - China’s “legislature” - 3K members President of PRC - Head of State - 5 year terms (2 max) State Council - Premier Government Structures The People’s Liberation Army - $90bn/year spending- “Peace Loving Nation” Public Security Bureaus - Re-education through labor - 300k detainees
One party state- Chinese Communist Party Rather than being rigidly hierarchical and authoritarian, which is often the assumption, political power in China now is diffuse, complex, and at times highly competitive. Muscular state government bureaucracy Another key institution is the People’s Liberation Army Important Concepts Confucianism Struggle for National Sovereignty Struggle for Peasant Livelihood Hundred Flowers Campaign, Great Leap Forward” “One Country, Two Systems” One Child Policy Cultural Revolution Socialist Reform Period No Political Pluralism
National Party Congress (> 2000)
Central Committee (200) National Party Congress (> 2000)
Politburo (25) Central Committee (200) National Party Congress (> 2000)
Politburo Standing Committee (9) Politburo (25) Central Committee (200) National Party Congress (> 2000)
General Secretary Politburo Standing Committee (9) Politburo (25) Central Committee (200) National Party Congress (> 2000)
CCP General Secretary Standing Committee Politburo Central Committee Provincial Party Committees Local Party Committees
CCP General Secretary National People’s Congress Standing Committee Politburo Central Committee Prime Minister State Council
CCP General Secretary National People’s Congress Standing Committee Politburo Central Committee Prime Minister State Council
CCP General Secretary National People’s Congress Provincial People’s Congresses Local People’s Congresses Standing Committee Politburo Central Committee Provincial Party Committees Local Party Committees Prime Minister State Council Provincial Governments Local Governments
Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) Development Research Center of the State Council Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Academy of Military Science China Institute of International Study China Institute of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR) China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation China Association for Science and Technology China International Institute of StrategicSociety Shanghai Institute for International Studies (SIIS)
Trade Deficit The trade deficit is when the value of imports is greater than the value of exports. Imports are defined as goods and services produced in a foreign country and bought by residents. An export is any good that passes through customs from any country to be sold overseas.
Economic and trade reforms (begun in 1979) have helped transform China into one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. Total U.S.- China trade rose from $5 billion in 1980 to $409 billion in China ranked as the 32nd-largest U.S. export market and its 57th-largest source of U.S. imports. In 2009, China was the second-largest U.S. trading partner (after Canada), the third-largest U.S. export market (after Canada and Mexico), and the largest source of U.S. imports.