Fidelity Leslie Connors, Principal Rachel Blum, NXGLC Teacher Bridget Blask, School Counselor
Why? We believe that every child can be successful academically and behaviorally Wait…the school expectation is that all students must be successful!
Tier 1 Structure Relationally Adopted the TRIBES curriculum to create unity in the building Created school-wide SMART agreements for universal Tier 1 using PBIS structure Clearly defined MAJORS and MINORS Designed Cool Tools to support teaching and re-teaching of expected behaviors Encouraged POSITIVE behaviors through acknowledgement systems - SMART Roadrunner tickets and incentives Team includes representatives from each grade level, support staff, specialists and administrator Academically Defined universal instruction school wide for both literacy and math to ensure fidelity Utilized the Common Core Standards as a basis for instruction, collaboration and assessment Developed unit plans in grade level teams measured every 5 weeks utilizing SMART goals Analyzed student work weekly to build consistency and understanding of grade level benchmarks Created a breakout session in reading and math to begin the process of sharing students to meet specific academic needs: K-3, 4-5 RTI leadership team will include representatives from each grade level, support staff, specialists and administrator
Tier 2 Structure PBIS Team Includes two internal coaches, school counselor, support staff and administrator Student progress monitoring meetings held as needed Team led Internal coaches oversee agendas/meetings, plans, and team implementation of PBIS initiatives Academic Team Includes representatives from each grade level, support staff, specialists and administrator Three-four student progress monitoring meetings held every Friday morning and once every five weeks for the entire five days of morning collaboration Team led with collaborative decision making
Using Data in Tier 1 Behavior Data from SWIS Gives focus for systematic re- teaching and Cool Tools Supports school-wide behavioral decisions and problem-solving Helps determine which individual students need additional support beyond Tier 1 using Check-In, Check-Out Shared with the entire staff at morning collaboration meetings for collaborative team planning to teach the needed skills Academic Data from MAP, Common Assessments and F&P levels Gives focus for systematic teaching at individual instructional levels Supports school-wide instruction of Common Core State Standards Helps determine which individual students need additional support beyond Tier One Shared with the entire staff at morning collaboration meetings to monitor growth, set purpose and focus staff development
SWIS Data Data driven approach for identifying area(s) of need David’s RTI Behavior Plan
Check-in/Check-out (CICO) Data driven approach for entering and exiting students S MA R T Pt s % Keep hands, feet, objects to self Pt s % Follow Direction s Pt s % Handles Transition s Pt s % Works in Class Pt s % Use kind words & actions Pts Possi ble 12100%1083%12100%1192%1192% %1478%1478%1794%1794% %1071%1393%14100%14100%14 100%1071%1393%1179%1179%14 100%1393%1393%1393%14100%14 David
Academic Data Data driven approach for identifying students for Tier 2 - Perla 3 rd Grader – Fall Scores AssessmentsActualBenchmark MAP Reading F&P LevelLM/N
Using Data in Tier 2 Behavior Data Gives area of focus based on the Big Five for Tier 2 intervention need Check-In, Check-Out data continues to monitor progress Functional behavioral assessment analyzed for more specific information Academic Data Identifies area of need based on specific strand of reading (or SLD criteria) to select appropriate Tier 2 intervention Assessments from Tier 1 carefully selected and instruction differentiated to the personalized learning plan to track progress over time Intervention data from Tier 2 tracked utilizing specific grade level probes documenting progress over time in addition to specific data from intervention (Wilson, LLI)
Tier 2 Academic Case Study
Franklin…… Goals…. 1. Continue to refine the fidelity checks in Tier two reading and math interventions utilizing District resources 2. Continue to utilize reading and math breakout sessions as one vehicle to provide specific, personalized reading instruction or intervention for students 3. Continue to research for effective interventions for math problem solving 4. Offer more Tier two behavior interventions beyond CICO and including SAIG groups 5. Combine two school leadership teams (RTI and ILS) one time per month to reflect on best practices and adjust as needed 6. Focus on Tier One Writing instruction Fall semester using Lucy Calkin’s Kits 7. Offer Tier two writing interventions Spring semester