{ Semester Summary Tyler Pollock
Kids in inner-city schools don’t care about school. It is useless to invest so much time into kids who don’t work hard. Learning is the responsibility of students rather than the teacher. Parents share responsibility in student success Major Initial Views
Teachers should form personal relationships with students. People complain about schools but can’t fix them. Bullying is a serious problem. Blocked scheduling is a great solution to some problems. Vatterott and Woods
Students at Shortridge don’t care about school. These kids won’t be academically successful. Shortridge is a dark and uncomfortable place Pre-Shortridge
I hated being at Shortridge. My student was a fun kid to talk to but didn’t excel in school. When the teacher left, I wasn’t upset because I totally understood her thinking. Shortridge Experience
Soccer practice was the best part of my time at Shortridge. I was able to connect with kids who would usually have ignored me in the halls. Wasn’t unique to Shortridge. Used as a way to relate to students in class. Soccer Practice
Discourse II is important in schools. Discourse I must be followed. If not, there can be dire consequences for a school and community. Discourse
There are some very good students at Shortridge but not enough. Parents should help with school. Then should kids be removed and put into a better environment if they can’t get help? Where is the line of success for these students? Issues I’m Working On
The most important lesson I learned this year was that I need to keep my faith in the forefront when considering my beliefs about education. Life Lesson
There are kids in inner-city schools who care about school. But for many school is not a priority. Parents should be responsible for student learning but sometimes this isn’t an option. Changed Views
I still don’t think that students who don’t care about school should receive extra attention. Bullying is not a big deal. If it gets excessive, stop it but if not, let the kids deal with it. Learning is the responsibility of the student. Teachers give all necessary information and a quality environment. Unchanged Views