Welcome to Kindergarten! AM/PM Kindergarten Ms. Krueger’s Class
Teachers your children will see during the week: Mrs. Ramirez – Classroom Assistant Mrs. Heilner – Support Teacher Mrs. Moore/Mrs. Ventresca - Library Mrs. Pontius – Music Teacher Mrs. Grimm– School Principal Our homeroom moms this year are Amy Elmore and Tehmina AM & Alanna Shore and Kelly Stepp
In our Kindergarten we follow the Responsive Classroom Model: a social and emotional learning program Each morning we follow the same morning meeting routine to build classroom community: Greet Share Group Activity Message We emphasize respect for oneself, each other, and our materials The students have helped develop and continually practice our 5 classroom rules: Good eyes Good ears Good mouth Good hands Good feet Chill Out Chair
Our Schedule and Daily Routine As your child enters the room, he or she unpacks the blue folder. **Please check the MMW blue folder every night as papers come home daily. A Smart Start activity is awaiting the students at their tables. This is for the students who come before 9:10/1:10. This does not need to be completed. Please do not be worried if you child’s Smart Start comes home incomplete. We begin our day promptly at 9:10/1:10. With our daily routine, independence is encouraged. Since the students know what to expect at each point in our morning, they can independently transition from one activity to the next.
Sample Schedule (daily schedule is always posted on board) Morning Meeting – 9:10-9:30 Language Arts – 9:30-10:15 Recess – 10:15-10:30 Snack – 10:30-10:40 Math – 10:40-11:35 Pack up and dismissal – 11:35-11:45
Snack: Please no nut products. We have many food allergies in the school and the MMW policy is to have nut free classrooms. Keep snacks simple – 1 or 2 small snacks. We encourage independence in opening snacks. Sharing of snacks is not permitted due to food allergies.
Specials AM - Mondays we have Music with Mrs. Pontius. Tuesdays we have Library with Mrs. Moore. Please return your child’s library book each Tuesday. PM – Wednesday we have Library with Mrs. Ventresca. Please return your child’s library book each Wednesday. Friday we have Music with Mrs. Pontius.
Homework A homework packet will be sent home each Monday – due back on Friday The material is a review of the week prior Please have your child complete the work in pencil The cover page suggests which nights to complete the homework. Classroom and school reminders are found at the bottom of the cover page.
Weekly Events Star of the Week Pretzel Sale Journey’s
Volunteers Needed for Kid Writing and other classroom activities – see sign up sheet Mystery Readers – every Friday Sign Up Genius
Transportation Changes Please let me know IN WRITING via e-mail before 8:00 AM/Noon or with a note in your child’s folder Photo ID is required of any person picking up your child at school Call the school office if changes occur during the school day
Half Days Students are dismissed at 12:15 with the entire school. Car riders will go in car rider line on the side of the building AM - All busses will be different. I will send home a note about a week prior to the half day to confirm transportation home.
Please let me know if you have not been getting my e-mails!
Thank you for coming and I am excited for a wonderful year of Kindergarten for your children!