Reading is to Success!
Which TV for Me????? I want that Panasonic 103-inch TV. My wife says that’s too big. Is she right?? Optimal viewing distance at 1080p=diagonal screen size divide 0.84, maximum OVD for 103-inch screen = inches Recommendation: If seat to screen distance > inches: Purchase TV; If < inches: Construct home theatre space of necessary size; purchase TV.
Non-fiction engaging kid-friendly short articles called “One-page wonders” Explicit, step-by-step lessons Real-life examples for students Allows for efficient practice of comprehension and discussion strategies Provides text set lessons on one topic, student choice, and the option to jigsaw content For example, the lesson can be on invasive species, but includes 5 different critters: Asian carp, Burmese pythons, killer bees, fire ants, and zebra mussels Aligned to NJ Common Core State Standards
Interesting and relevant to kids Surprising, puzzling, funny, quirky, or weird Invites the reader to visualize places, faces, and events Feature people you can interested in Are complex enough to justify time and thought Offers background knowledge in your content area Contains open-ended or debatable issues that invite lively discussions
Monitor their comprehension Visualize and make sensory images Connect to their background knowledge Ask questions of the text Draw inferences Determine what’s important Synthesize and Summarize * The book contains 33 lessons and each strategy will be practiced repeatedly
See Handout-1 (pages in book) How Proficient Collaborators Think and Act Provides two charts& What Social Strategy Use Looks and Sounds Like
Each article provides the following: Title, Time needed, Introduction, Groupings, Materials Needed, Steps & Teaching Language, Article/One page Wonder, Web Support, and Tips & Variations * See Sample Handout-2 Pgs in book
MRS Strategy : Turn & Talk Grouping: Pairs and Whole Group Article/One Page Wonder : Chicago Tribune, School’s Lesson Plan: No More Homework Step One: Close Read, Annotate/Mark the text, Turn & Talk with partner or Try written turn-and-talks Differentiate according to student needs: Students can read independently, paired, in groups, or with teacher support Teacher circulates throughout the room. What do pairs talk about? Step Two: Whole Group Sharing and Discussing
What are your concerns or questions?????