Abundant Renewable Energy The most abundant energy source on earth Houses exposed to times more energy than used Earth exposed to 11,000 times more energy than total global use
Here Comes the Sun Average about 2000 hours of bright sunshine a year –Invercargill 1615h –Christchurch 2000h –Blenheim 2450h Germany 1600h avg Spain 3000h avg Yuma, Ariz. 4055h avg
More Benefits of Solar Saves an average of 2400kWh/year/house electricity Saves $350 - $400 per year at current electricity prices Prevents CO 2 emissions of almost 30 tonnes each house, life of system (0.6kg/kWh) 4 m 2 flat plate collector with horizontal tank
How Do They Work? Evacuated Tube System Flat Plate System
Solar Water Heaters Evacuated Tube System Flat Plate System
Solar Water Heaters Evacuated Tube System Flat Plate System
Case Study Family of four in three bedroom house in Nelson: –Total system cost = $5200 (incl GST) includes building consents and installation –Marginal cost = $3300 (hot water cylinder = $1900) –Save 3000kWh/year electricity –Save $360/year (marginal cost of electricity = 12 c/kWh) –Simple payback = 9.2 years
Large-scale systems Novotel Hotel, Homebush, Sydney
National and Environmental Benefits Current = 22,000 Houses 1/3 Households = 466,666 Houses 936 GWh p.a. (3.3 PJ) 671,000 Tonnes of CO2
Solar Water Heating on New Buildings Building Act Greater consideration of renewable energy and energy efficiency in new buildings Building Code - Must respond to the Act –Minimum home energy performance standards –Solar water heating may be one ‘acceptable solution’ to meeting requirements of Act.
The New Zealand Solar Water Heating Industry 12 accredited suppliers of systems Approx. 150 approved installers nationwide Industry association = Solar Industries Association (SIA)
Status of New Zealand Industry - Products 3 companies manufacture systems in New Zealand Other systems imported from Australia, Israel, China. 90% flat plate collectors 10% evacuated tubes Total Cost: $ $7500 for a domestic system, including installation.
A Mature and Growing Industry 35%
Status of New Zealand Industry - capacity Installing ~ 2000 systems per year currently About 35% annual growth rate Target - 10,000 systems per year within 3 years! ($40 - $50 million sales revenue, 1000 jobs) Need to break out of a narrow market niche Need much greater growth rates
What is EECA doing? Technical Standards Installer Training Accreditation Code of Practice Solar Industries Association (SIA) Incentives
EECA’s Finance Assistance Programme 2004/05 Interest Free Terms –Industry wide finance scheme - single finance provider (FAI Finance Ltd) –Up to 36 months interest free –EECA provides up to $450 per unit to cover finance costs –Funding approximately 450 systems ($200,000) Launched 15 November 2004
Interest-Free Terms Borrow up to a maximum of For an interest free term of Monthly repayments $7,45012 months$ $4,50018 months$ $4,00024 months$ $3,00036 months$83.33
Are You Eligible? Buy your solar water heater from an Accredited Supplier (visit Purchase a system that costs at least $2,500 Purchase a system with a collector area of 2m 2 or greater Purchase a system before 30 June Act Quickly!