Introduction to Logic The Principles and Practice of Reasoning
Orientation Session Roster and Adds If space permits, I will add at the end of class today Review of Handouts and Course Website My comments and your questions about the content of this course
While the Roster is Called… We have one text (described in the Course Description), but will also be using a website – more on that later This is a skills-oriented class. Assigned or not – plan on using all exercise opportunities you can access (text and website).
Using the Syllabus All chapters and sections are from Hurley’s A Concise Introduction to Logic (10 th Edition) Come prepared to discuss assigned chapter/sections during the indicated weeks. It’s easy to forget assignment due dates, especially for the online homeworks. Create some system for yourself that will keep you on track.
Assignments and Grading Homeworks are completed and submitted online Quizzes are taken and submitted in class Classwork is completed and submitted in class A Portfolio is compiled during the semester and is due in June.
Course Portfolio Think of this as an ongoing record of your work in this course. The portfolio will cover three modules – the basics of logic, propositional logic and categorical logic. It may be submitted electronically (Powerpoint or other web-enabled presentation project) or physically (set of printed pages)
Course Policies There is no extra credit. Instead, I will drop your lowest quiz and homework grades. Lateness: No late classwork Late homeworks (done online) are penalized 10% for each day late. Only one makeup quiz will be offered to those who miss a quiz for documented reasons.
Course Content Hey, we all argue, right? The Argument Clinic The Argument Clinic Logic deals with a different kind of argument…
Logical Arguments Reasoning is the process of moving toward conclusions on the basis of clear, compelling and relevant supportive statements. In much of logic, attention focuses on how we draw conclusions from statements, not on the truth of those statements.
Discussion: Two Arguments Those who oppose same-sex marriage are simply Neanderthals. Everybody knows same-sex marriage is a threat to society. So, same-sex marriages should be allowed. Opposition to same-sex marriage relies on constitutionally suspect reasoning. There is no clear evidence that same-sex marriage is a threat to society. So, same-sex marriage should be allowed.
Another Argument Any law or policy that limits constitutionally protected freedoms is unacceptable. Laws against same-sex marriage limit constitutionally protected freedoms. Support for this claim? So, laws against same-sex marriage are unacceptable.
Your Resources You will have plenty of help Classes, of course! Professor accessibility SOCS 213B – MW, 12 – 1 pm Online (instant ) – W, 4 – 5 pm Website sign-up:
Go to Click "Create My Account“.
Online Registration Your site for registration is: Your case-sensitive Course Access Code is: E-2KYCK5637H3HS