Using Data in a General Ed Oceanography Class Dr. William Prothero UCSB
Context Large general education oceanography course students each quarter All majors: Physics Dance Majority are first year
Goals: Science process Engagement Relevance Basic knowledge
Elements of science process
Challenges: Browser software Choosing a problem Observations vs interpretations Scientific writing Using/obtaining background knowledge
Scaffolding for success Weekly online HW problems Thought problems (online) Multiple choice quizzes (online) Lecture Textbook Gaining background knowledge
Support for investigations Groups in lab section Mini-studies Short presentations Group projects Multiple writing assignments In lecture activities
Example in-lecture activity Observe Describe Pair/share In writing Interpret Explain Models diagrams
Student Feedback High: A B C D E Low Lecture17, 10, 27, 18, 27 Labs42, 28, 21, 8, 1 Kyoto Conf26, 31, 23, 14, 6 Thought questions14, 22, 27, 27, 11 Questions of the Day 9, 25, 27, 23, 16 Weekly quizzes18, 33, 25, 15, 9 Weekly homeworks19, 28, 27, 15, 11 Writing assignments31, 37, 19, 6, 6 Course was difficult16, 22, 37, 14, 11 Interesting and relevant 20, 42, 23, 9, 6 Worked hard40, 24, 22, 9, 5 Learned a lot28, 30, 14, 17, 11
Resources Our Dynamic Planet CD (ODP) Marine Virtual Explorer Global Ocean Data Viewer ODP Teacher’s manual Mini-studies In-lecture activities
The End Materials available at: