Fresh / Salt 97% of earth’s water is salt. Only 3% fresh. (for drinking, bathing, etc)
Sources Most water used by humans is from groundwater followed by lakes and rivers.
Potable Potable means safe to drink Water must be treated for metals, chemicals, and microorganisms before being used.
Number 1 Lack of safe drinking water is the number 1 cause of death on earth. About 1 billion have no safe water. 10 thousand kids die per day.
Human Use GlobalUS 67%Agriculture48% 19%Industrial40% 14%Residential12%
Agricultural Use Crop irrigation can waste lots of water (nearly half of water can evaporate before reaching roots) Takes 80 gallons to grow 1 ear of corn.
Industrial Use Lots of water is wasted and polluted in industry. 260 gallons for a roll of foil. 130,000 for a car. 1-2 for a bottle of water.
Residential We waste lots of water at home. Lawn and PoolsGallons Toilet20 Shower24 Bath36 Brushing Teeth1 Cleaning5 Laundry25-40 Dishwasher*4-10 Hand dishwashing20
Conserving Water Drip irrigation for agriculture. Delivers small amounts of water directly to roots. Can be managed by computers.
continued Industry must be regulated to limit their water usage (incentives can be given). Must be enforced
continued In homes, low flow toilets and faucets, fix leaks, turn water of when brushing teeth, etc).
Loosing Water Loss of wet lands sends fresh water back to the ocean before it get back into the ground. We divert a lot of water. (LA)
Farm Land Farm lands are in danger from housing, commercial development, and paving.
Overgrazing Lots of out ranges are subject to cattle eating too much at once.
Deforestation Trees are clear cut for development and not replaced (prevents the trees and soil from holding water)
Management Careful Planning and managing would help Build upward not outward. Organize grazing Plant a tree when one is cut.
Protection Some areas should be completely off limits. Preserves are places wildlife and the ecosystem are untouched
Energy Efficiency We must use energy efficient appliances (fluorescent bulbs are 17% more efficient) Energy Star rated (save on power bill)
Buildings and Houses Update insulation, plug drafts in doors and windows Lower hot water heater setting, change A/C filter
Fuel Efficiency Cars are inefficient because gas used to be cheap. Now hybrids and electric cars are being made.
Transport Car pool, public transport, bikes, scooters, compact cars.
Daily Life Curtains closed in summer open in winter Thermostat reasonable temp Lights off and unplug unused Wash clothes in cold water