Eco-friendly building Sustainable and conserves energy and water Buildings follow the guidelines set by LEED Use sustainable materials and equipment
Leadership in environmental and energy design Establishes a rubric that determines how “green” a building is There are 4 ratings: Certified, Silver, Gold, Platinum
About 40% of the total energy use in the U.S is used by buildings 12% of total water used in U.S is used by residential and commercial buildings 68% of Electricity in U.S is used by residential and commercial buildings
Environmentally friendly Conserves energy and water Sustainable Tax incentives and benefits Lower Energy and utilities bills
More expensive then a typical house Materials Used for Construction aren't as durable Maintenance is expensive
Use of Solar Panels such as a photovoltaic system (Electric) or Solar water heaters Recycled Construction Materials Open design layout and window placement to maximize the suns warmth and light Energy Efficient windows Rainwater harvest system and Aerobic septic system
Taipei 101-Tallest Sustainable Building Platinum Rating Wilmington Convention Center- Silver Rating California academy of science- Platinum
I plan on going into the drafting and design technology field as a career This was an interesting topic Good learning experience
I feel that the benefits of Green architecture are too good to ignore and it should be a more common practice in todays construction industry Hopefully in the near future