RTI International RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute. Real-time Instructional Support Tangerine:Class 1 Carmen Strigel June 2015
RTI International Tangerine and Tangerine:Class 2 Used in large-scale, anonymized assessments and surveys. Results are synchronized to Tangerine’s server and analyzed in aggregate. Longer assessments and surveys, administered by data collection teams. Used in-class by teachers or support staff to track individual learning over time. Results are stored on each tablet and accessible in simple graphs and tables. Shorter assessments conducted throughout the school term.
RTI International Tangerine:Class assists teachers in systematically collecting, analyzing and using students’ reading results to inform their teaching, all on one device and all offline. Create assessment frameworks (online) and individual student profiles (on the tablet). Then, administer short diagnostic assessments throughout the school term and track each learner’s progress in his or her profile. Generate easy-to-read reports at the push of a button to see learner progression and mastery of curricular topics. This provides teachers on-demand access to analytical tools to inform their teaching and target their efforts. Tangerine:Class, how does it work? 3
RTI International Standardized Curriculum-based Assessment Framework 4 Online Wizard, similar to Tangerine’s for designing curriculum-based or EGRA-like assessment framework
RTI International Set-up: Build your class on the tablet 5
RTI International Rapid Student Assessment 6
RTI International The Tangerine:Class reporting module allows teachers to select one of 3 reports, on a classroom or individual level and see results presented in an easy-to-understand graphical format. Reports on Progress and Mastery 7
RTI International Results from progress monitoring assessments will inform teachers about students’ progress toward end-of-year benchmarks, and help adjust expectations and goals. Results from Mastery Checks help teachers monitor student mastery of short-term curriculum goals and refine strategies to improve learning well ahead of the wider assessments and standardized exams required in most countries, e.g. on pacing, grouping or use of instructional material. Immediacy and Progress Data for Instruction 8
RTI International Tangerine:Class provides simple analysis guidance to help teachers understand how to interpret and use results to change instruction. Guidance may say, e.g., “If more than 20% of your students did not master this week’s skills, re- teach those skills.” Using Results to Improve Instruction 9
RTI International In January 2013, RTI deployed Tangerine:Class for the first time through the USAID-supported PRIMR project in Kenya in 20 schools in rural Kisumu region. Teachers there used the tool and its assessments already adapted in Kiswahili and English in Class 2 as a means to engage directly with the effects of their teaching. Coaches (TAC Tutors) provide instructional support, to ensure that Tangerine:Class results are well understood and utilized to improve instruction and focus efforts on schools and classrooms who may be falling behind. Randomized controlled trial – 3 implementation (TAC Tutor tablet, Teacher table, Pupil e-reader) & control Formative Assessment Made Easy 10
RTI International Tablet Content Use – Kisumu RCT
RTI International More Information Carmen Strigel RTI International Director, ICT for Education and Training 12